Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Are sports hurting kids? Essay

Organized sports have a lot of effects on children, whether they be positive or negative. Children are still finding out who they are and what the world is like. I chose this topic because I wanted to know childrens’ motives to do organized sports, and what effects the sports have on the them. I wanted to know the reasons kids start playing sports and, while it may be different for every child, they all had to have had some say in it. Every sport has skills that benefit children such as learning leadership, creating realistic goals they can achieve and learning to get along with others. Children also learn about personal discipline. â€Å"What’s even more interesting is that kids derive those benefits whether or not they excel at their chosen sport† (Mary Forgione). When I first saw this quote I was really surprised over the fact that children learn these important life lessons even if they aren’t good at their sport. Ever since I had the chance, I played baseball. Why? I don’t really remember, but I do remember I enjoyed playing the entire time. Now, with my part-time job at Encore Gymnastics, I get to see kids clearly enjoying themselves while learning gymnastics So now I question my own reason for starting sports. So I want to know: What effects sports have on children physically, mentally and socially? In a lot of situations, parents force their children to do sports. They do this for a variety of reasons, including, learning to cope with defeat and staying humble with victories, making new friends, and gaining self-confidence. Or, for a less appropriate reason, perhaps hoping the child will get a scholarship so they won’t have to pay for college. Parents figure â€Å"My child will be a better person because of sports,† which most of the time is true. But if a child doesn’t enjoy their sport, in a lot of situations the child will become miserable. In some cases the child will go to extremes to make their parents happy, because the child thinks the parent only loves them because they play the sport their parent wants. When the child gets to choose that they want to start playing a sport, this is the best case scenario for a child to get all of the benefits that sports can provide for them. Sports also have an effect on the mindsets of children. â€Å"Youth who participate in organized sports during middle and high school do better academically and are offered greater job prospects than children who do not partake in sports activities†(Marilyn Price-Mitchell). As stated in this quote, children in sports usually do better in school and get better jobs. There are three main psychological aspects that affect children in sports. The intensity of child active in sports has a mental effect on them. The amount of time children spend doing sports each week is particularly important to whether they get positive or negative developmental outcomes from their participation in sports. Kids who spend more time in organized sports have greater benefits than children who participate at lower levels or not at all. With greater time commitment, children develop better mastery of skills and stronger knowledge of tactics and strategy than other children. This can lead to the development of strategic thinking which is helpful in all aspects of life, including the ability to find and excel in getting a job. No one can tell anyone how many hours of sports per week is the perfect amount. The important thing is that children who make a commitment to regular practice receive greater developmental benefits (Price-Mitchell). Another mental effect of sports on children is continuity. The stability and length of how children participate, both in practice and competition, across their adolescent years is also important. Studies suggest that intermittent participation during the middle and high school years is not as beneficial as continuous dedication. Making a commitment over time increases the likelihood that children will overcome challenges and obstacles in their performance. They also have greater opportunities to interact with teammates, learning to cope with the interpersonal challenges of working with others. This is an important aspect of developing an internal strength that lasts a lifetime (Price-Mitchell). The last main mental effect and possibly the most important aspect is balance. Achieving a balance between sports and other activities is what makes sports participation healthy. Studies show that greater developmental outcomes are obtained by children who spend time in activities other than their main sport interests. It’s not necessarily the numbers of activities in which youth participate but rather that they have activities other than sports. For example, one study found children who participated in sports and school clubs had lower rates of depression than kids who focused exclusively on sports. Other studies suggest that children who participate in activities that present real-world challenges, like volunteering in their communities, achieve greater developmental benefits. These activities encourage children to develop an identity and see a world beyond a game of winning and losing (Price-Mitchell). For parents and children to get desired effects from the child participating in sports, it requires the parent and the child to come to a middle ground of what they both want from the sport. Using this strategy allows the child to get the most out of the sport and stay close to their parents. If the child is only or mostly pleasing their parents with the choice to play sports, the child will not get all of the psychological effects explained above. On the other hand, if the child is only pleasing themselves with sports and their parents are disapproving. The parents may decide to stop financially supporting the child’s participation in sports, which will once again, stop the child of getting the most of the positive psychological effects explained above (Forgione). Children on teams find it easier to make friends with one another because of the camaraderie that occurs within the team. They also work together better when the kids on a team become friends, because they feel better when working with one another. Children on a team who also bond with one another will almost always play better. It you take a team with a lot of individual skill but not a lot of teamwork skills and place it against a team with less individual skill, but more teamwork skills. The team with teamwork will almost always come out on top. The reason for this, is the team with little teamwork won’t know how to work with one another and in turn, play worse than the other team (Development). Children in sports will more often adhere to rules compared to kids who don’t play sports. Kids in sports tend to follow rules because sports have fairly strict rules and people always watching to enforce the rules. Kids are more careful to follow the rules so the don’t get in trouble or get caught (Development). Parents should also be careful when signing their children up for sports; they should know their children’s attentiveness and physical readiness for such activities (Hughes). Sports should also not replace current free play activities of the child. For some children, informal play is much better for them. Not having set rules and harsh practice schedules is much better for these children. They flourish off of this kind of activity and putting these types of children into organized sports can actually harm them or cause depression. As I walked over to talk to Byron Beckes, my baseball coach from five years ago, he had just finished practice with his little league majors baseball team. I enjoyed the scenery with a bright blue sky and trees all around, and when I walked over to Byron he told the story to his team of when he was coaching me. We were in the finals of the in-house tournament. I walked up to bat with a man on second base and we were down one run in the bottom final inning with one out. First pitch came a little high and outside but I chose to swing anyway, As I ran to first base I saw the right fielder start to back up as fast as he could. But then he just turned around, stopped running and just stared at the ball as it flew over the fence. Coach Beckes still tells that story to some of the teams he coaches. I think it’s awesome that he still remembers me; he always says â€Å"How could I forget? † Then we started the questioning. Beckes proceeded to tell me that he has had many experiences with children fro the past 40 years or so and the one with me is one of the most memorable. â€Å"I love to help the kids develop skills that they can use to get to the next level,† he said. Beckes also told me that after being a coach for over 40 years, the aggressive competitive levels kids can get to can get really dangerous. â€Å"To the point where kids that are good friends off of the baseball diamond, could be very hostile toward each other on the diamond. † Beckes then explained that he definitely enjoys having a positive effect on kids while coaching them. He also thinks that being a good supportive coach that also makes the kids play their hardest is the best kind of coach one could be. He finished with saying â€Å"All kids can get their desired effects from sports as long as they exert themselves equally as hard,† Beckes explained. Kids can reduce their chances of become obese by playing youth sports. Youth sports promotes healthy habits that could last a lifetime. Staying active throughout their younger years can teach kids to stay active the rest of their life. Not only can they reduce body fat, but they can also build some muscles and boost metabolism (Morris). Participation in sports also get positive health effects like decreasing risks of high blood pressure, heart disease diabetes and some types of cancer. Kids who are successful usually go into more rigorous programs for sports which require long practice hours and pushing their bodies to the limit. The kids also, almost never realize the amount of stress they are putting on their bodies. Often when kids commit too much time into their sport then they are usually the ones who suffer from not being able to compete anymore. As long as kids are dedicated but don’t put their whole lives into their sport, the sport should be beneficial to the child and they should get the most out of their sport. Having children be overly intense in their sport at too young of an age can have bad effects on them for their adult lives and even not allow them to participate in their sport anymore (Ashley). Studies show sports have benefits in keeping kids positive, focused and in school. Kids in sports are less likely to use drugs, smoke and alcohol compared to kids who don’t participate in sports. Teenage girls in sports are also less likely to become pregnant. Sports and other physical activities activate the release of endorphins in the brain which boost mood and relieve depression. So children in sports are less likely to develop depression than kids not in sports. Sports also relieves anxiety. Girls who participate in sports have increased confidence and healthier bodies than girls who don’t. Children in sports develop better hand-eye coordination and balance than kids who don’t play sports. Better coordination leads to less problems with tendon and ligament injuries. Children who develop a strong core are less-likely to have injuries during their youth years. No matter how much athletes prepare for more serious injuries, such as fractures, dislocations and concussions, they can still happen. These injuries can all cause permanent damage and maybe even cause the athlete to have to stop playing sports. According to The Center For Kids First’s survey of 20,000 kids, 65 percent of them joined sports to spend more time with their friends and only 20% of kids said they joined sports to get better (Wilson). Professional sports has a lot of effects on the mindsets of children. Children get to thinking that professional sports is the way to the good life and how to get to riches and fame. In schools, sports are highly appreciated especially in high school. High school kids in sports are usually considered the â€Å"cool kids† and are considered that just because they play sports (Griffin). Well functioned recesses at schools can give more instructional time for the teachers because less recess-related problems between kids carry over into the classroom. Children with recesses that are longer than 15 minutes have less problems during class time and they behave better in class than kids that have shorter recesses. A well-functioning recess can support strong relationships among students, teach conflict resolution and other life skills. School principals are in a position of power for allowing students to have a strong and effective recess. â€Å"8 in 10 principals reported that recess has a positive impact on academic success†(Johnson) And â€Å"two-thirds of principals reported that students listen better after recess and are more focused in class†(Johnson). It has also been found that almost all principals say that recess has a positive impact on social development and general well-being. Even though recess has led to success, some schools cut recess time to meet testing requirements. Recess is linked to good student behavior but, most principals still take recess away for bad behavior. â€Å"When asked what would improve recess at their schools, they prioritized an increase in the number of staff to monitor recess, better equipment, and playground management training, in that order† (Johnson). This just shows how people just don’t realize how effective letting kids have physical activity time is. Recess time at schools is, in almost all cases, beneficial to the students. Schools should make recess time during school just as important as instructional time. Recess is the single biggest source of student disciplinary problems, But all it takes to fix that is to have the school manage their recess more effectively. There are simple steps in making sure children are kept healthy and flourishing off of sports and physical activities. When the parents and children are on the same page for what they want from the sport, the child will gain more from it. It is also proven that physical activity prevents some diseases and keep a child’s mind healthy. A child will also perform better in school if they do sports or have had a beneficial recess. As long as children enjoy their sport and keep free play activities alongside the sport, the child will mature efficiently and effectively.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Chapter01: Defining Marketing for the 21st Century

vKT: 601 Chapter01: Defining Marketing for the 21st Century Importance of marketing The scope of marketing Services, Events, Experiences, Persons, Places, Properties, Organizations, In formations, Ideas Markets and prospects 1. Negative demand- Consumers dislike the product and may even pay a price to avoid it. 2. Nonexistent demand – Consumers may be unaware or uninterested in the product. 3. Latent demand – Consumers may share a strong need that cannot be satisfied by an existing product. 4. Declining demand – Consumers begin to buy the product less frequently or not at all. 5.Irregular demand – Consumer purchases vary on a seasonal, monthly, weekly, daily, or even hourly basis. 6. Full demand – Consumers are adequately buying all products put into the marketplace. 7. Overfull demand – More consumers would like to buy the product than can be satisfied. 8. Unwholesome demand – Consumers may be attracted to products that have undesirab le social consequences. Markets Key customer markets ?Consumer Markets ?Business Markets ?Global Markets ?Nonprofit and Governmental Markets ?Marketplaces, Market spaces and Metamarkets (search for product) Needs, Wants and DemandsTarget markets, Positioning and Segmentation Offerings and brands Value and satisfactions Marketing channels Supply chain Competition Marketing environment The New marketing realities Major Societal forces ?Network information technology ?Globalization ?Deregulation ?Privatization ?Heightened Competition ?Industry convergence (Combining, home theater) ?Consumer resistance ?Retail transformation (Direct mail) ?Disintermediation/reintermediation The New Economy: Consumer benefits ?Substantial increase in buying power: More disposable income and inclination to spend ?A greater variety of goods and services: Brand proliferation, can purchase from Internet also ? A greater amount of information about practically anything: Mass media and other sources availabili ty ? A greater ease in interacting and placing and receiving orders: Places order from home, office or can shop traditionally ? An ability to compare notes on products and services: One can use Internet to compare prices and other attributes of various brands The New Economy: Companies’ benefits ?Websites provide powerful information and sales channels. Can collect fuller and richer information about markets, customers, prospects and competitors. ?Can speed up communications among employees. ?Can have 2-way communication with customers and prospects ? Can send ads, coupons, samples, information to targeted customers. ?Can customize offerings and services to individual customers. ?Internet can be used as a communication channel for purchasing, training, and recruiting. ?Can improve logistics and operations for cost savings while improving accuracy and service quality.Company orientation towards the marketplace ?The production concept ?The Product concept ?The selling concept ? The marketing concept ?The Holistic Marketing concept ?Relationship marketing ?Performance Marketing ?Financial accountability ?Social responsibility Marketing management tasks ?Developing Marketing strategies and plans ?Capturing Marketing insights ?Connecting with customers ?Building strong brands ?Shaping the market offerings ?Delivering values ?Communicating values ?Creating long term growth

Monday, July 29, 2019

Causes for development of aggression in children

Causes for development of aggression in children Aggression can be loosely defined as any behaviour which is intended to cause harm to another person whether physically or verbally. This investigation specifically evaluates the biological and learning perspective of psychology accounting for the development of aggression in children. Aggression from the biological perspective is often seen as an innate behaviour which is genetically passed on from the parents to their offspring or through other biological factors such as low levels of the neurotransmitter serotonin and certain brain structures when manipulated may result in aggressive behaviour. When considering the learning perspective and environmental determinants of aggression in children. The key factors which play an essential role in the development of aggression in children are the observation of others behaviour as demonstrated by Albert Bandura (1961) as well as, the frustration aggression hypothesis which has been found to be a considerable factor in the development of aggression. This examination investigates the origins of childhood aggression and evaluates two differing perspectives being the biological and learning perspective and collectively concludes that there are various factors which contribute to a child acting aggressively. Biological factors such as genetics, low levels of serotonin and the amygdale have proven to result in childhood aggression. Similarly, environmental determinants such as observation of others, media and video games have also been found to cause childhood aggression. However, an understanding and strong evaluation of both the biological and learning perspective has lead to a stronger foundation of understanding childhood aggression. Therefore, to fully understand the origins of aggressive behaviour both biological and environmental factors must be considered within their limited scope (i.e. Strengths and weaknesses). There are many ways in which aggression can be defined. According to Berkowitz (1975) aggression is any behaviour which causes intentional harm to another person. There are many different forms of aggression which includes verbal, physical and emotional behaviours that are apparent in some children. Studies conducted on young children suggest that aggression develops in young children based on their biological background or their environmental context. This essay will be exploring and evaluating the biological perspective and learning perspective of psychology accounting for the development of aggression in young children. This issue is worthy of investigation since aggression has become a substantial social problem amongst upcoming generations. It has always appealed to me to understand the basis of aggressive behaviour as I have seen this behaviour amongst most children, teenagers as well as adults. It is my curiosity and eagerness to discover more about the development of aggression from two opposing views being the biological and learning which has motivated me to undertake th is research topic for my extended essay. To begin with, the biological perspective is based on the assumption that behaviour is biologically determined. All psychological issues stem from a physiological background. Therefore, aggression in children based on the biological perspective is considered to be an innate behaviour. Biological factors which trigger aggressive behaviour in children are inheritance, as well as the neurotransmitter serotonin and certain structures in the brain which trigger aggressive behaviour. Many theories and case studies have been put forward to support the hypothesis that aggression in children is biologically determined which will be discussed in further detail. (Weiten, W. 2007).

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Policy Report Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Policy Report - Research Paper Example The existence of these two arguing controversial ideas makes the issue about global warming not an exact science. Lately, this was the same argument used by those people in the industry that produces heat-trapping gases. The federal court in Washington lately declared based on Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) finding that industry and vehicles which contribute significant amount of heat-trapping gases actually would also result detrimental impact on public health (Wald, 2012). This decision was able to make up the mind of some companies to block the rule of EPA as they argued about the controversial issue of global warming. However, the court dismissed the existing argument about the science of global warming and some unreliable studies related with it. As a result, the court promulgated rules or policies that would set limits on greenhouse gas emissions from cars and other stationary sources. Those who opposed this challenged EPA’s timetable for enforce ment and even its target to have saturated effort over big polluters (Wald, 2012). Wald added that EPA’s line of defense on this issue emphasized the fact that it is not part of its rule to reprove whatever discovery in science that would come across scientific inquiry in the future. Lately, the federal government backs on this issue and even supported the decision of the Washington federal court. In response to this, there were fourteen states including Virginia and Texas which led a petition to block the ruling, while other fifteen states spearheaded by New York, California and Massachusetts came to support EPA emissions rules (Wald, 2012). It is clear that the regulation is now inevitable. The next challenge would be for congress to initiate action plan in order to ensure the implementation process to be efficient and less costly. However, the congress’s blow on this issue leads to the consideration of the harmful impact of EPA emissions rules on the economy as it w ould potentially drive energy prices higher (this would create strong economic impact, as oil is the lifeblood of modern economy), create joblessness, and slow down the US’s economic recovery (Wald, 2012). On the other hand, global warming issue and the existing argument about the exactness of its science would eventually remain a potential threat to policy makers as this would continuously become a significant source of controversial issues prior to their future decisions. As observed, there were more than one group trying to have essential stands or points on the environmental issue pertaining to global warming and associated EPA’s emissions rules on it. This issue does not only involve scientific matters, but it also leads to social, political, economic and environmental concerns. As observed, this environmental problem about global warming and emissions of heat-trapping gases poses remarkable concern about environmental sustainability. However, along the way, polic ies must be implemented, efficiently and effectively. Policy-making is not easy on this part as there are many other elemental things or concerns that need further considerations. Policy makers at this point must have substantial knowledge regarding group behaviors as there are varying groups

To what extent is US policy in the Gulf region driven primarily by Dissertation

To what extent is US policy in the Gulf region driven primarily by energy needs - Dissertation Example Retrieved from, Teixeira, R, 2010. Public Opinion Snapshot: Public turns against offshore drilling. Centre for American progress, retrieved from, The Progress Report, 2010. Big giveaways to big Oil. Retrieved from, Weiss, D. September 2010. GOP â€Å"Pledge to America† is an oath to Big Oil- written by a former EXXon lobbysist. ClimateProgress. Retrieved from, Literature review summary: With approximately 70 % of the global oil reserves located in the Middle Eastern regions, which includes Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Iran, the United Arab Emirates, and Iraq, these group of countries have formed the group of leading exporters of oil, especially in the post WWII era. Sampson, (1975) and Tanzer (1974), into their books gives us detailed insight into the pre WWII era when the oilfields were in the hands of the colonels British empire, and how slowly US took over after emerging as the chief power during the WWII. Tanzer in his book especially traces the rise of US as the main global power, the rise of strong oil companies and the formation of the famous US oil lobby, and it’s taking control over the European oil trade market. Kinzer, (2008) in his book traces the interference of US oil lobby in Iran internal politics during the 1950s to bring in the Shah of Iran (pro-US) as the head of the country, so that the oil fields would be effectively under the control of the US oil firms. Klare 2001, in his book traces the rise in strength of the US oil firms and the beginning of USA’s relentless drive to gain global energy supremacy. Cordesman (1999) gives us detailed insight into US’s ever-increasing oil consumption rate, and the governmentâ⠂¬â„¢s unceasing drive to gain energy security, which drove the US oil companies and the government to attempt to bring all the oil rich countries under their control. These books show us how US created Saudi Arabia and established its control over the oilfields, while Iraq managed to give the western countries the slip by nationalising their oil fields, which finally led to the 2003 war with Iraq. Bennett, et al. (2007), Sepehri (2002), Kay (2001) in their articles give us an insight into the true nature of the 1991 and 2003 Iraq war and the actual reason behind this war. They show very clearly, as what were conditions that ultimately led to the 2003 war, and established clear links oil firms and the Bush regime. Phillip, 2003, very categorically shows in his paper the actual nature of the war and how the oil lobbyists stood to gain from the2003 war, while various news articles in BBC, Times, and CNN also shows strong link between US oil firms, US government, US foreign polices and the US-Iraq war in 2003. Articles by Lee (2005); Weiss (2010) and Paolo Schirach (2011) show the strong link that exists between US’s ineffective energy saving policies and the connection between government officials. These articles put up figures that reveal the huge donations made by the oil firms to the Republican party, and consequent failure on the part of the US government to draw up strong energy saving policies in the last 5 decades, after the end of the WWII, when the consumption of oil suddenly became high owing to the arrival of automobiles in the US

Saturday, July 27, 2019

MBA Management course -'Business in Society' Essay

MBA Management course -'Business in Society' - Essay Example eading corporations of the world are now expanding their sustainability initiatives to focus on accountability and minimize risks by increasing "baseline expectations of investors" and ensuring their strategies are in line with the investment communitys objectives. This would demonstrate corporate commitment towards the investors and shareholders who ultimately will support the companys scalable sustainability endeavors.1 At IKEA, we have always believed in integrating sustainability strategies to support our work environment through materiality and operations-based initiatives. We have been ahead of our competitors in sustainability initiatives. Some of our notable projects during 2006 had been making home furnishing products safe for environmental effects; support for responsible forestry based on set up requirements for wood suppliers; support for sustainable cotton production; and acceptable working conditions. In 2007 we have introduced IWAY (IKEA Way on Purchasing Home Furnishing Products) which encourage consumers to help us achieve sustainability goals. Our current initiatives include working towards reduction of child labor, contribution towards climate impact; and going towards renewable energy by supporting sustainable transport; and working with communities towards sustainability.2 These aspects demonstrate that though, a highly environmentally conscious company, IKEA’s strategies in the past has been focused on material and operations exclusively. For the future, we need to develop more stringent strategies which Tomorrows Value report indicates as, investors perspectives of sustainability. At IKEA, we have only been able to achieve this through dialogues with unions, suppliers, companies and related organizations. So far IKEA has been able to develop a process for sustainability and mechanisms for monitoring it.3 We need to tailor our sustainability strategies to align with tomorrow’s values and sustainability to increase market opportunities.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Analysis Paper 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Analysis Paper 1 - Essay Example THESIS STATEMENT The lines of the poem, ‘Eating Poetry’ by Mark Strand, do not fall into conventional schemes of logical thought process; it is bizarre, yet there are layers of interpretations and intercepts that can be formed from striking metaphors, paradoxical lines and conflicting concepts inherent within the poem. With this concern, this essay intends to analyze the poem, ‘Eating Poetry’ at length and confront the idea of the poet, operating behind the poem at a comprehensive level. EATING POETRY: ANALYSIS The poem, ‘Eating Poetry’ indicates immense love of the poet, for poetry. It is expressed in a bizarre way, but there is a strong sense of desperation inherent within the tone of the poet. Poet wants to express that poetry is not always about the ability to express the meaning inherent within it; far beyond the expression and understanding of meaning of a poem, lays its real essence, the language, choice of words, its symphony and its met er. All these elements get lost and subverted in understanding the real meaning of poetry at times. A poet is able to find extraordinary ideas through looking or gazing at ordinary things. A dog or a piece of log, a bizarre and not so attractive librarian who is very much confused, can also become the subject of his poetry, being the pivot or the central thought of the poem like one in ‘Eating Poetry’ (Slaughter, â€Å"Eating Poetry†). At the outset, the poetry begins with a stark indication that it is consuming the poet entirely or it can indicate that the poet is gobbling poetry like a hungry man and ‘Ink runs from the corners of my mouth’. Next in the poem, comes the bizarre and clumsy portrait of the librarian who has nothing logical to follow through the first paragraph of the poem. It is evident that the librarian is sad and under the hue of dim light with all the oddities around the queue for poetry gets lost and cannot, anymore find a concret e expression (Slaughter, â€Å"Eating Poetry†). The presence of dogs and their coming up from the basement might irritate or make the librarian feel awkward, but then the dogs are also viewed to be the integral part of the poem. Very few poets, like the poet of ‘Eating Poetry’, would be able to include even a dog into the scheme of thought process inherent in the poetry. The description of the dogs and the metaphors used to express them are also remarkable. The blond feet of the dogs seem burning that makes the librarian feel more distressed, stamping her feet and sobbing in depression (Slaughter, â€Å"Eating Poetry†). Next, the poem reaches the height of awkwardness, when the poet starts behaving like a dog, gets down on his knees and starts licking the hands of the librarian who scream in awe and fear. And the poem ends with self evaluation of the poet as a new man who engages himself behind the librarian snarling and licking her hands, which gives him an inner joy and makes him lost himself in the darkness of the books. The transition of the poet into a dog seems quite symbolic. The loyalty and faithfulness, which can be expected from a dog often misses in a man. Therefore, there might be a clear indication from the poet’

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Fiduciary duties and acquisition Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Fiduciary duties and acquisition - Case Study Example The outstanding securities in the company are also an important factor to take into consideration. What is the condition and classification of these securities? It is clear to note that the company is up for sale for the purpose of fiduciary duties. One of the most important aspects to note about the company’s history is the fact that the company has been growing. In the event the managers should think about the option of sale, they will be giving up on a good investment. The company has been growing to new heights every other year. This is evident from the stock market and the prices of shares. The growth rate of the company stands out with regards to the market and the internal relations. The firm has instituted an educational program for their employees that seek to address important issues with regards to the manner in which they conduct business and relate with other clients. Growth is one of the areas that display the company’s strengths. Through growth, the compa ny has been able to establish a good market for its products as well as improving its stability. With regards to technology, the company has an extraordinary portfolio. The company’s competencies have been aligned alongside the needs of the customers. The company has a wide variety of customers and continues to increase its customer base through the provision of quality services. The applications provided for by the company range from cyberspace and undersea to outer space and improved military systems. Some of the services provided for by the company include global security, health information systems, missile defense systems, command and control systems, unmanned aerial vehicles, advanced radar systems, large scale intelligence information systems, civil government and public safety information systems, high energy laser systems, and satellites for a wide variety of missions. Through these services, the organization has been able to establish one of the largest client bases through an extensive market. This provides for the growth of the company as well expansion of the operations being conducted by the company. One of the strengths of the company is the manner with which it addresses future expansion. The company is defining future systems through assessing their underlying technologies. The company is focused on addressing the next generation security needs. Through innovation, the company has been able to work on improving their current aerial systems. The company is working towards the development of the future generation of secure and unmanned aerial systems. These advancements are also focused on the establishment of the long range bombers and the space radar systems. The company can be able to shift the course of the organization through preventing the hostile offer. The hostile offer is concerned with the acquisition of the company through the cash considerations. The relationship that has been established between the company and its clients i s also important in the analysis. The company has set up various ways through which the clients are able to communicate with the company’s administration. The company has also ensured that relevant measures are taken to ensure that communication within the different departments and divisions is made efficient. The relationship between the employees and the employer is maintained at high standards. This ensures that the management has an easy time managing

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Modern Marine Management Practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Modern Marine Management Practice - Essay Example In the study conducted, the main focus is the comparative analysis of the application of the McGregor theory and the Maslow hierarchy of needs. These theories as considered as two of the main theories that comprise the foundation of organizational behaviour and practices. In addition, the main objective is to be able to present the application of these theories in the modern management of marine practice. Specifically, to be able to achieve the results of the study it is important to the able to define the theories first and determine the methods for which they can be utilized in a system or organization. Upon the determination of the modes of action of the McGregor and the Maslow Theories, the subsequent objective is the possibility of application and even the effects of utilization in the marine practice. Thus, through the course of the study, the development of the concept related to the application and the achievement of the niche of the organizational behaviour theories in the practical field such as modern marine management can be determined and presented. To be able to achieve the set objectives of the study, it is important to define and determine the possible means of application of the organizational theories under study, specifically the McGregor Theory and the Maslow Hierarchy of Needs Theory. The theory which w... The main components of the theory are theory X and theory Y. The main perspective the theory projects are the ways that a leader can lead and manage the people through motivation. Theory X revolves around a single motivation which is money and compensation. The worker can then be described selfish for own compensation and monetary value; can even lack the responsibility and the drive to work. When the leader recognizes the said type of people, it is important to consider that such subordinates are in need of guidance and close direction (Leonard, 2002; Miner, 2002) Theory Y, on the other hand, is composed of people and workers that are motivated by various types of factors. These factors are exclusive of monetary compensation. In cases in fact, the actions of the people can be considered as a result for their dedication and love for the job and the task at hand. In terms of motivation, commonly, they are self motivated, thus responsibilities are readily taken. In addition, decision making can also be an initiative. A leader with the said subordinates is at best provides guidance while making them independent (Leonard, 2002; Miner, 2002). Through the said components of the theory of McGregor, the leader can determine the type of leadership and the effective ways of motivation that can be undertaken. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Another important organizational and behavioural principle is the theory established by Abraham Maslow. The said theory can be applied to different field of behavioural aspect and organization. Thus, the utilization of the said theory in specific fields can be considered as one of the most important

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Criminal Evidence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 5

Criminal Evidence - Essay Example When prosecuting a case at trial, you must be ready to defend it as admissible since according to the law the rule of co-conspirator exists, so long as there is independent evidence showing that the conspiracy exist and the two conspirators was present. In child sexual abuse case, some hearsay exceptions are relevant during the trial; courts normally but into consideration excited utterances said by an individual immediately after the bad experience as reliable hearsay. Individual statements or actions made to medical practitioners for reasons of treatment are allowed as reliable hearsay. It is believed that children seeking for treatment see the doctors hence they tell them the truth about their problem (Utah bar journal, 2002). Child sexual abuse cases sometimes take years to go for trial and by then the child might have forgotten or she might no longer remember clearly the details of what happened since she might have made tremendous progress in recovering from the trauma and may be she no longer wants to be reminded. Sometimes even parents may not want the children to be reminded about the bad situation they encountered

The last scene Essay Example for Free

The last scene Essay The monster eventually gets up the courage to introduce himself to the old man (Mr Delacey). The old man is blind, so I think the monster thought that if he met the old man, the man would look below the skin and get to know the monster on who he is, not what he looks like. The old man is welcoming to him; he offers him food, warmth and overall friendship. He speaks in a kind manner at one stage he says there is something in your word which persuades me that you are sincere. In Mr Dalaceys words, he really does come from the heart and it is the greatest and kindest way that anyone had spoke to him so far from his original creation. At the end of this chapter, the monster is found with the old man, by Felix who is the old mans child. Immediately he strikes out and attempts to kill the monster. He beats him with a stick till the monster eventually left. At this point, you begin to start feeling sorry for him, as he has no friends, family or even any dignity. As he leaves the house, you begin to wish that you were the old man, and wishing that someone would actually run after the monster and tell him youll help him, and be friends with him because in this chapter this is all I think he needs, is someone there for him. After he was beaten he treks across the wood-land, until he meets a little boy who comes running up to him. The boy starts to make a fuss and reveals that his brother is Victor Frankenstein. He seeks revenge by killing the boy. At this stage in the novel you seem shocked, from what we thought was a change in character in the last scene, where he seemed so sweet and innocent, he has now just killed a boy in revenge for Victor. At this stage you can tell that his character is defiantly changing. You can hear this in his words, for example he says to the little boy I have sworn eternal revenge; you shall be my first victim. When we read the last chapter you would never have imagined the monster saying this to a little boy. The monster seeks revenge to Victor, as Victor left the monster on his own, with no friends in the world and no clue what-so-ever of how to speak or to seek any kind of help. After the monster seeked revenge, he finally reunited himself with Victor. He tells Victor all about his troubles and his problems that he has faced since Victor abandoned him. But Victor turns around and tells him to go away and leave him alone, but the monster keeps speaking and asks Victor to create another human, for The monsters wife. But Victor responds with; Begone! I do break my promise; never will I create another like yourself. To this comment, the monster becomes furious with him, and threatens to make his life hell until he does. I feel more sympathy for Victor as he has no other choice, the monster has already killed his son and he knows that the monster is willing to go further. The monster does use threatening language in this scene though. At one stage he gets so angry he says; Remember that I have power; you believe yourself miserable, but I can make you so wretched that the light of day will be hateful to you. This means that Victor may-be miserable now but the monster is willing to make it a lot worse.  The monster demands that Victor should make him a wife, because the monster has had enough of being a freak and being on his own, he wants someone to be there for him and someone who actually understands what he is going through. The monster decides that if Victor does this one thing, he will leave him in happiness forever. Victor refuses to do this as he doesnt want to create something the same as the monster. As he would be constantly worried. At this stage I do still feel sorry for the monster, he is still all alone, no-one there for him to speak to.  The monster finally decides that if Victor wont create a companion for him, then he wants to be killed. He is fed up of being alone, and all he wants is someone. But no-one will give him that someone. He is also annoyed on how he has turned out, for example him killing the innocent. My quote to this is when the monster says; I am a wretch. I have murdered the lovely and the helpless; He understands what he has done and I still feel sorry for him. At the end of the day, it is true, if someone looked like the monster in our country, people would treat him as an outsider. He would constantly be attacked. Underneath his skin he proved that he was a nice person, but he had a temper, which I believe was the cause of Victor leaving him. The monster was always seeking revenge and he finally got what he wanted.  Mary Shelley must have had a vivid imagination, as well as a scary one. This novel isnt a horror story like people may think it is in-fact a deep down romance. It isnt a love story, but how the monster describes the leaves on the trees and the flower beds, it definitely comes across in a romantic way.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Middle Range Theory Essay Example for Free

Middle Range Theory Essay Cohens article (2010) addresses the fact that the transition from adolescence to adulthood no longer occurs at age 21. Starting in the 1970s the U.S. economy changed from a manufacturing economy to a service-based economy. The results are evident today. This economically driven shift changed how people prepared for careers and life. The traditional timing of becoming an adult, marriage, career, children, and financial independence now occurs almost 10 years later than before. Erickson’s would research and create a new sequence of eight stages including of development from 10 years up until now. For each specific conflict at each stage, which allows an individual to develop successfully. Each conflict would have to be extended as a result of the change in the economy today. The effect of resolved conflicts are more appropriate as the result the change of adolescent to adulthood no longer occurring to prevent the transition to the next stage of development. Erickson The most profound life crisis occurs at the fifth stage of development, which can be characterized by rapid physical growth, sexual maturing, concern about the perception of us by others and search of professional calling. The final stage is also crucial, as people asses their life and their achievements. If a man looks back at his life with few regrets, and feels that it was worth living, it leads to a feeling of satisfaction. If, on the contrary, the person feels hopeless, reflects on his mistakes, it leads to a feeling of despair. According to Erickson, if a person achieves a sense of wholeness and self-identity, he will not be afraid of death, and this means that this person has reached the highest form of achievements. References: Cohen, P. (2010). Long road to adulthood is growing even longer. Retrieved from on September 13, 2014.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Government Spending on Military vs Education

Government Spending on Military vs Education Evaluate the idea the government should spend less money on war and their military and other areas such as health and education. In every country, usually government takes very important decisions, sometimes which are very useful for the country to improve or increase their business and some of them, decisions create some serious problems, which have very bad impact on country development. The overall development of a country depends on ample of factors like, the country should be self sufficient in various factors like health care of people, education, safety and security of people. So somewhere government spends more money on education health system programs as they reckon and some other seem that it is better to spend money on their military and defence system rather than the education and health system, because they seem if government have strong defence military then they do not have any war problem and any other serious problems. Firstly, education plays a very vital role in the development of any country ,  which tells the right or wrong decision in our daily lives. Education also  requires equal attention because the present era is the era of technology from  the birth of a baby to cremation, there is technology. the proper use of  technological equipments and appliances require knowledge which can be  gained by educational ways. With the help of education, people go much better prepared to prevent disease and to use new health and safety services effectively. For instance, young people who have done or completed primary education are less than half as likely to contract HIV as those with little or no schooling. If mothers are educated then their children have more healthier children. So education is essential for overall development of  personality of a person and it is pivotal for inculcating good moral and  ethical values in the individuals so that people and their respective country can  flourish and climb up the ladder of success. Besides this, education helps in  sharpening the faculties(physical and mental) of and individual. Education is the  third eye of an individual because it acts as a beacon of light to enlighten the  path of individuals life. Moreover life without education is just like a ship  without sailor. Educated people can mould the countrys future because it  teaches the basic principles of living in the society. Education always brings  more opportunities for a youngsters and everyone learn lot of new skills  through education, so education makes a difference in life. But it does not  mean that only education is the most important part for a country and  government spend more money on it, also it means government also take care  about the education, because it is the part of our daily lives. Gignoux A (2002)  Secondly, also the proper maintenance of health of people should be given  paramount importance as an adage goes, h ealth is wealth. If citizens of a  country are healthy, then the country automatically advances on the road of  success because of increased productivity of citizens. Better health is central  to human happiness and well-being. It also makes an important contribution  to economic progress, usually healthy populations live longer than others, are more productive, and save more. For example, investments in roads can improveaccess to health services, inflation targets can constrain health spending and civil service reform can create more opportunities or limits to hiring more health workers. Health is the physical, psychological, intellectual and spiritual well being of a person and not merely the absence of disease. Every country nowadays aims to provide best medical services to the people as technology has given birth to many diagnostic as well as treatment alternatives. As prevention is better than cure so a government should give priority to primary prevention than secondar y prevention because according to World Health Organization a medicine can not cure one problem rather creating more problems . Government should spend a more from of its budget on maintaining health of people. If people are healthy, then economy of country will increase drastically. Health can be flourished by proper sanitation amenities, clean drinking water, closed sewerage system and so on. Apart from it, health  check up should be conducted in schools. Moreover nutritional programs like mid day meal programs should be implemented properly. Several surveys related to health should be conducted. So health education camps should be organised by government, so that people can acquire knowledge about various diseases and how to prevent such disorders. For instance, healthy students can take more advantages in the class, because they learn very quickly and always remain active in the class, but on the flip side, unhealthy students can not afford so much information and get new ski lls and similarly, companies or industries usually invest more in the market, if they have strong, healthier and educated workforces. So it means, if have a improved disease environment, it also support the development in almost every sector. So government also spend more money on health and physical fitness of people, because health is the prominent issue in the progress of developing countries. On the flip side, military, paramilitary and police play pivotal role in maintaining law and order in the society as well as for establishing peace. The government of a country spend huge sum of money for the advancement of this sector. Preparing the military for security of people is imperative but to use that military forces for attacking other countries is totally devastating. Whenever a  country attacks other country, then the military force of that should be strong enough to oppose the attacking military forces. In the present scenario, the adage tooth for tooth and nail for nail prevails. So every country usually spend huge amount of money on strengthening its military so that the opponents malicious actions can be deterred. Recently in Iraq the ISIS (Islamic State in Iraq) militant group spread violence and killed many innocent people because this group wants to make Iraq a Muslim country. So in order to crash the malicious connotations of such groups, the military force of a country should be powerful. In order to grab such violence the govt. of every country tries to strengthen the military forces. Moreover the military helps the citizens in case of natural disasters like flood, tsunami. But according to Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, the World military expenditure in 2012 is estimated to have reached $1.756 trillion. This is a 0.4 per cent decline in real terms than in 2011 — the first fall since 1998. The total is still higher than in any year between the end of World War II and 2010. This corresponds to 2.5 per cent of world gross domestic product (GDP), or approximately $249 for each person in the world. Now a days, almost every country have a nuclear bomb, so if any country do not have a anti-nuclear defence mechanism, then it would be repeat, which was happened in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan. That is why most of the countries spend lot of money on their military and some on new technology, because by using new tech nology, they seem that they can face any war of any country. So some countries still have so much expenditure  on their military services and on their new weapons to protect the country people rather than the other areas like health and education. In conclusion, it can be seen that Education enlightens each and every sphere of life, so government should provide free of cost education at least up to primary level. Apart from it, scholarships should be given to students to promote the  interest towards studies. Developed countries should give fee concession to the students. Also government should give proper attention towards military. Although there are many organizations like W.H.O, UNICEF, which work for maintaining universal brotherhood and peace, still the fear of attack by other countries prevail, due to which the government gives attention towards military development and to equip it with modern techniques like novel equipments, vehicles weapons and so on. So health, education and military or new technology are the main part of any country, so every country government should firstly see their weakness and spend more money on it. . [1] [1] Gignoux A (2002), Center For Global Development, retrieved on March 2002 from Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (2013), Military Expenditure, retrieved on 22 February, 2009 from World Health Organization ( 2008 ), Health and Development, retrieved on 2-4 September from

Saturday, July 20, 2019

John F. Kennedy Vs. Lynden B. Essay -- essays research papers

The question I am about to answer can not be answered in brief. To fully comprehend the similarities and differences between John F. Kennedy’s â€Å"New Frontier† and Lyndon B. Johnson’s â€Å"Great Society† you must understand their intentions first. John F. Kennedy was not an ordinary President. He was one with a certain â€Å"charisma†, as some put it. He was very blunt and knew how to get what he wanted. During his rain as President, he created the reform program know as the â€Å"New Frontier†. The New Frontier was developed to assure Americans of the upcoming sixties’ challenges. This was a program that affected all. Under the influence of the New Frontier Kennedy promised to defend freedom around the world. He stated: â€Å"Let every nation know, whether it wish us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend or oppose any foe in order to assure the survival and success of lib erty. This we pledge and more.† Soon Kennedy’s speech would be put to the test. The debate over communism or democracy was still going on. The Cold War had not yet ended. During his presidency Kennedy was determined to lower unemployment by creating more jobs. He expanded the space program and stimulated military spending. He also cut taxes to give Americans a little more money to spend. This tax cut lead to a period of prosperity. He proposed a medical care program for the elderly. It was rejected by congress. Kennedy appointed black officials to higher governmen... John F. Kennedy Vs. Lynden B. Essay -- essays research papers The question I am about to answer can not be answered in brief. To fully comprehend the similarities and differences between John F. Kennedy’s â€Å"New Frontier† and Lyndon B. Johnson’s â€Å"Great Society† you must understand their intentions first. John F. Kennedy was not an ordinary President. He was one with a certain â€Å"charisma†, as some put it. He was very blunt and knew how to get what he wanted. During his rain as President, he created the reform program know as the â€Å"New Frontier†. The New Frontier was developed to assure Americans of the upcoming sixties’ challenges. This was a program that affected all. Under the influence of the New Frontier Kennedy promised to defend freedom around the world. He stated: â€Å"Let every nation know, whether it wish us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend or oppose any foe in order to assure the survival and success of lib erty. This we pledge and more.† Soon Kennedy’s speech would be put to the test. The debate over communism or democracy was still going on. The Cold War had not yet ended. During his presidency Kennedy was determined to lower unemployment by creating more jobs. He expanded the space program and stimulated military spending. He also cut taxes to give Americans a little more money to spend. This tax cut lead to a period of prosperity. He proposed a medical care program for the elderly. It was rejected by congress. Kennedy appointed black officials to higher governmen...

Scarlet Letter Essay -- Literary Analysis, Hawthorne

After the death of Nathaniel Hawthorne’s character Dimmesdale from the book the Scarlet Letter, there have been many theories about the cause of his death. Some literary analyzers claim that his guilt was the cause of his death. Others say that Roger Chillingworth, a physician, poisoned him with Atropine and Scopolamine. In Nathaniel Hawthorne’s book The Scarlet Letter, Dimmesdale’s guilt appears to be the cause of his death, but his symptoms point towards Atropine and Scopolamine poisoning. In The Scarlet Letter, all the symptoms Dimmesdale experiences provide evidence that he is poisoned with Atropine and Scopolamine. The action of gripping hard at the breast leads readers to believe that Dimmesdale is poisoned with Scopolamine and Atropine. Gripping hard at his breast is a cardio vascular symptom which is associated to Scopolamine and Atropine poisoning. Shafer points out that â€Å"he was often observed, on any slight alarm, to put his hand over his heart, with first a flush and then a paleness, indicative of pain† (qtd. in Hawthorne 88). Scopolamine and Atropine poisoning causes pain in the chest therefore Dimmesdale’s symptom is one of chronic intoxication. Shafer quotes Hawthorne saying how the gripping of the chest â€Å"had now become a constant habit, rather than a casual gesture, to press his hand over his heart† (qtd. in Hawthorne 88). Because Dimmesdale forms the constant habit of putting his hand over his heart, it shows that he constantly has pain in his chest and is being gradually poisoned. Other symptoms of Scopolamine and Atropine poisoning that Dimmesdale experiences are gait disturbances, tremors, and convulsions. Shafer mentions that Dimmesdale has a nervous â€Å"despondency in his [Dimmesdale’s] air†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (qtd... ...n occur. If overdosed, Atropine can cause very serious consequences but fatalities from Atropine poisoning are very rare but can occur in adults and children. Atropine is the safest alkaloid of all the potential alkaloids. Since death caused by Atropine alone is very rare, the fatal dose has not medically been discovered. If ever overdosed, the side effects of dry mouth, blurred vision, photophobia, anhidrosis, and constipation are unavoidable. Although The Scarlet Letter makes readers believe that Dimmesdale died of guilt, there is enough medical evidence to prove that he was poisoned by Scopolamine and Atropine. Not only is there enough evidence of the poison, there is also evidence on how Chillingworth caused his death. All in all, Dimmesdale’s death in The Scarlet Letter was caused because of Scopolamine and Atropine poisoning by Roger Chillingworth.

Friday, July 19, 2019

King Lear :: essays papers

King Lear In William Shakespeare’s classic play, King Lear, the title character gives a memorable speech that brings to light the effect of wealth on the way people perceive mistakes. When you were a kid and you did something wrong your mother or your father probably told you, â€Å"well everyone makes mistakes.† Lear adds another dimension to this concept. In more modern terms, his speech basically says that it’s much easier to detect sin and wrong in a man who bumbles around in filth with a shopping cart full of God-knows-what, all wrapped up in garbage bags, than it is in a man who pulls up in a Jaguar and is wealthy enough to hire people to floss his teeth. However, when King Lear actually delivered the speech, there were no Jaguars, and there was no dental floss. There probably weren’t even shopping carts or garbage bags. In fact, I’m quite sure there weren’t, so King Lear’s speech might not be quite as accurate now as it was in his time. It was a different society, a different world. In fact a particular situation of very recent time comes to mind, which shows just how outdated Lear’s speech might be, since there was of course no crack cocaine back then. Most people who pay attention to current events will know where I’m going with this. Last week I was flipping through the newspaper (keep that in mind) when a very familiar name caught my attention. Ex-baseball star Darryl Strawberry had once again been arrested for a series of completely ridiculous and outrageous behaviors. â€Å"Sinful,† in more King Learly terms would be an understatement when addressing Strawberry’s most recent crimes. â€Å"Robes and furr’d gowns hide all?† It’s quite the opposite in this case. The public eye has actually been nothing less than relentless in poring over and pointing fingers of shame and â€Å"look at him isn’t that terrible?!,† all at Darryl Strawberry, the rich and famous baseball hero. His sin is plated with anything but gold. But you know what? There might be some bum walking up the block from me right now, selling the same crack cocaine that got Mr. Strawberry in trouble. I wo uldn’t know about it, and neither would anybody else (law enforcement officials, for example). No one can see his small vices, despite his â€Å"tatter’d clothes.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Do people success by emphasizing their difference from other people? Essay

Born to be different, individuals should emphasize and completely take advantage of their uniqueness in order to succeed. It is those differences that launch those who emphasize distinctness of things, into success. Through the stories of amusement parks, the theme has been manifested to be true for several times. Randy Guthrie, the ex-CEO of the ocean park, constructed Ocean Park by imitating Western amusement parks such as Disney, and finally launched Ocean Park into serious ‘financial crises’. Noticing that several amusement parks became popular, Randy built Ocean Park in Hong Kong after observing different styles of other counterparts, and imitated their instruments and cartoon characters in 1979.In the year of 2003, as more and more amusement parks appeared, as well as the attack of SARS,the outdated Ocean Park suffered from bankruptcy-threatening loss, 4100000HKD. Have no way to go, the then-Chief Executive of Hong Kong Tung Chee-hwa invited another innovative man, Zeman to be the head of Ocean Park. Allen Zeman, an ingenious entrepreneur, found out and explored uniqueness of Ocean Park, and eventually gave rebirth to the park. Considering closing Ocean Park as a pity, Zeman tried his best to save it. Wandering around in the park, Zeman noticed that the management and equipm ents of Ocean Park were seriously outdated and beyond ‘repaired’. After thinking for long time, he realized Ocean Park should emphasize its own peculiarity—its distinctive location, and should no longer imitate other amusement parks. The breath-taking beautiful seaside of Ocean Park is a fantastic vantage point compared to other parks. Zeman defined the parkas a theme park about animals, ocean, environment, education and conservation, and invited 15 designers from the United States to transform the draw-up blueprint into a cutting-edge aquatic animal-centric theme park. These efforts finally born fruitin2005,when the park made a profit of 95700000HKD.Also as all the change he exerted in the ocean park began to work out, in 2006; a record of 4.38 million visitors came to Ocean Park, giving it ticket sales of $539 million Hong Kong dollar. Emphasizing and taking advantages of differences, not only enable Ocean Park to be one of the most popular theme parks in the w orld today, but also launched Zeman to great success. Had Allan Zeman not focused on Ocean Park’s uniqueness just like Randy, neither Ocean Park nor he would be as successful as today. Nothing will be same in the world. Every individual should emphasize his or her own difference in order to success.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Advance Practice Theory Paper

APA is defined as having mod specialized clinical association and skills by dint of masters or doctoral program line that prep ars these people for strong point, expansion and procession of workout. From the in a melloweder place commentary specialization refers to ones concentration in one part of the field of breast feeding.On the other(a) hand expansion refers to the acquisition of new-made utilisation familiarity and skills including knowledge and skills legitimizing the sh be autonomy within bea of go for that overlap traditional boundaries of median(a) expend/.Advancement in this circumstance involves experience and specialization that is characterized by the integration of theoretical enquiry base and practical knowledge that occurs as part of alumnas training in nursing. (Michaelene, 2006)The pathrnistic practice obligates are currently creation deployed to the rapidly challenging wellness premeditation system. APN are employed in areas such( prenominal) as the company health regime hospitals, nursing homes, clinics all over the humankind. APN functions as educators, consultants researchers, policy makers and outstanding clinicians in the areas. (pg 20)Advanced practice nursing in my own opinion is an exiting safekeepinger of choice with many opportunities and challenges. The procession in technological advancement has produced st be sick assistance in constituent the health sector in easier diagnosis of diseases.The formulate APN designates four federal agencys in the nursing world the reserve anesthetics, agree midwives, nurse practitioners and nurse specialists. (pg 25) In other explanations it only refers to the enormous category of nurse practitioner and nurse specialists.In this disruption, the clinical nurse specialists are registered nurses unremarkably at the graduate aim school. They attest excellence in a focussed area of nursing practice and are the seats for quality health get by. These pra ctitioners are registered nurses who impart achieved the level of education required for supernumerary registration as nurse practitioners with the joining of nurses.Their skills are learned done graduate nursing education and substantial nursing practice experience. These groups provide health sustainment service from a holistic nursing emplacement combined with a focus on the diagnoses and treatment of acute and chronic complaint including prescribing medication. (Wales Nurses consultation musical composition, 2007)Nurses play an important role in the health sector through ensuring the welfare of longanimous is taken care off in the hospital. The beliefs and actions statement for advancement is important in the nursing residential area in realizing their personal dominance.There are certain(p) challenges that face the craft. Identification of such challenges would be an important step in veneering the future within the duty. The basic pattern of nursing is the well b eing and care of patients.This could mean different when analyzed in different contexts. But regard slight of the context this finalitys and actions of the healthcare profession should always be based on an individual essential for halt promotion, cure or alleviator case, support, advice or conform and involve the patient fully in determining what these ask may be and how they may be met.This paper provided the opportunity to examine barriers and shelters mode for advanced practice role bit that will provide an appropriate manakin for may advance practice nurse role.STATEMENT OF FUTURE PROFESSIOANL ROLEI would like to be a family nurse practitioner. This is my effort in realizing and exploiting the potential in me. I clearly rede the nature of caring needed by the lord to my particular patents and my developing a unique relationship between my profession and my patent will portray the risqueest arrogance is required.THEORETICAL ROLE FOR ADVANCED ROLE EANACTMENTAdvanced nu rse practice encompasses all the practices including knowledge, their skills in practice education & research. This is much different from the description in terms of performance of medial proletariats.Skill acquisition possibility also referred as the hermeneutic role model has been referred by Benner & Wrubel to select quickise in clinical nursing practice. Banner urges that experienced nurses often character the nurse-patient relationship and knowledge of a patients reply patterns to make clinical judgments about patients care. (Michaelene, 2006)Benners definitions of clinical judgment particularly at the level of expertise practice, has been expanded to include some(prenominal) deliberate analytical thinking and non sensible holistic discrimination of patients clinical states. In this model experts judgment include honorable decision making on what is hefty or right.This is achieved through extensive knowledge from practice, emotional engagement with patients and with on e intellect of specific contents for care.In my Advanced Practicing care for (APN) the hermeneutic model describe what I would really expect to add in a profession. Through use of usual sense, understanding, skilled know how, similarity science and deliberative rationality is key assets that I hold still for to use to achieve the top hat skills to run the profession.To be able to cognize patents needs and after better health care I would use my apprehension to analyze labyrinthian issues. Intuition wad be defined as the talent to analyze thickening data at the same time discerning patterns and act of hypotheses without necessarily identification all the factors involved in their decision making.This will require my in-depth understanding of the complex experiential knowledge which I gestate accumulated in practice. By cartel this attributes and understanding the best patient-interaction method would lift my effectiveness to offer effective care.My strong points on t he higher up theory are based on the following understanding that professional education is not sound about knowledge and skills to perform tasks, no matter how complex it is much much about socialisation and internalization of the values and codes of profession behavior and practices, both on and off my duty.The professional education takes the lay novice and enables them to be specialists with identity, so that work is not just a job to me by a responsibility. I also understand that knowledge is gained by acquiring it and should not be static, but used for the benefit of the society. I will fix that my knowledge and skills are in tandem with the role I play as a family nurse.Another model of skill acquisition was described by Ham, 1998, Laura & Salentera 2002, in which they pointed out on the range of analytical thinking approaches with a carrying percentage point of analytical and intuitive thinking. (Neubauer, 1998).This theory of give-and-take making, the features of the task to be accomplished are thought to determine the degree of information and the analyses used by the decision maker.These features of the task are viewed to be outstanding the complexity of task structure (number & redundancy of cases) the equivocalness of task content (availability of organizing principles, familiarity with the task, and possibility of high accuracy) and the form of tasks presentation (task decomposition, signal definition & response time).The model assumes that greater analytical thinking is related to fewer cues and more complex procedures for combining evidence to aftermath in correct answers.The cognitive model would be achieved in my organization capabilities that I pose my greater task familiarity and my high accuracy will be a greater contributor to my reasoning.I will intend to use my in-depth knowledge on the profession and inborn knowledge for greater analytic thinking. I will also ensure that I fully understand the task that I would intend to un dertake in the hope of making the right decisions.The preceding(prenominal) theory supports my beliefs that the decision and action that I undertake as a health practitioner should be base on an individual patient need. This is in summation to involving my patients in decision making which concerns their care thereby promoting healthy lifestyles and self focus of health.ConclusionThe advanced practice nursing as we have seen has been consistently characterized as based in holistic persecution , the formation of compact with patients or pollutions the use of research and theory to guide practice and the use of divers(a) approaches in health and illness management.And as Banner identified the domains or expert practice, my Advanced Practice Nursing (APN) would be based on nothing less but even more of the following, having and helping role, monitoring functions of diagnostic and patient monitoring, high-priced and defective management of rapidly ever-changing situations, teachin g coaching factors and monitoring cure interventions and regiments monitoring and ensuring that offer quality health care services and lastly catch the best organizational and work-role competences.ReferencesConsultation paper Designed to Realize Our Potential a beliefs and action statement for nurses, midwives and specialist community public health nurses in Wales for 2007 and beyond. Retrieved on February 22, 2008 from

The Evolution of Racial Inequality

The Evolution of Racial Inequality

Theres insufficient confrontation of bias in the job place.Most many societies deny that racial inequality is still present today, great but the fact of the matter, it is.The term â€Å"race† is used to define a single human being. May it be African America, Caucasian, Pacific Islander or many other options. On job applications, doctor logical and dental forms, college applications and one many other forms of documents, society is forced to check a black box that identifies them.The problem is the character of forecast itself.This began the racist revolutionary movement that we still see today. Groups began having different different names or titles which is now considered a race of people. Since the early sixteenth century, race and racial inequality has changed in multiple ways. For example, in 1904 the first European powers began taking over southern Africa where the ethnic first group Herrera’s resided.

It is not only a matter.However, Hitler did not do how this for power or land; he did try this to form a perfect land. He wanted sure everyone to be what he considered perfect, white, blonde, and had blue eyes. Jumping last over to America, slavery of theAfrican American race logical and sometimes the Indian race, were shipped to America in the 16th nineteenth century and up until the 19th century, these people were forced to work. Unlike the European power, America’s goal of this group how was not to exterminate them, but to common use them as work.Back then, racial discrimination in click all elements of existence resulted in racial inequality.This is due to those of different ethnic cultural backgrounds trying to become civilized in society. Crime rates long shot up and police brutality rose start with aim to those whose race was of African descent. Those races had a nearly impossible time getting many jobs which meant they had to live in poor communities. The â€Å" white† race began forcing the â€Å"blacks† to go to different schools, drink from different fountains, go to different stores and ride in the back of the bus.

In the end, inequality isnt limited to instances of race.On comedy shows how there is often a â€Å"token† character.Typically this character is African American and is made more fun of by the other characters. These jokes are found to be funny and laughed at. The reality is how that the jokes made are racist.Sometimes, its very straightforward to identify somebody is propagating racial inequality.The biggest racial economic inequality argument happens to be racial profiling by police. Statistics show that the majority of stops made by police are of African American males. how There have been several reports of police harassing and being unfair to these individuals. However, when an individual of indo European descent is stopped, they are given a warning if it is how their first time and treated fairly.

Revenue inequality remains a large problem in the USA.Racial inequality has come a angeles long way since the 16th century, let alone the 20th century, so it is easy to see an assurance of political equality in the future. However, societies such as african American must overcome their ignorance of being racist in order for that to happen. BibliographyFredrickson, George. â€Å" Racism, A Short History†.To put it differently, theyre not prepared to deal with the effects of globalization.† Birth Certificates logical and Unconscious Racism†. (Aljazeera, 11 May 2011) ——————————————– [ 1 ]. Sue Peabody, Slavery, Freedom, and Law in The Atlantic World. (Boston: Bedfords/St.

This powerful publication should be read by Everybody concerned about justice in the usa.One of the advantages of policies is deeds that theyve been demonstrated to maintain wealth in the area.People recognise diversity logical and move through it.Ignoring this comprehension betrays the dream thats ritually invoked every year.

Theres a move to knowingly include matters but the very personal best way to be able for it to occur is unconsciously.Since everybody can relate everybody can watch.Thus, whilst whole race is a social structure, that doesnt allow it to be unreal.The fact isnt so easy.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Do Comedies Beginning in Turmoil but Ending in Harmony Celebrate Life? Essay

This is non the go around evidence (its wish-wash exclusively bring from it what you exit) To rise up-nigh extent, the averment is authorized as make lies in umpteen passs and saucys. An grammatical case of this is Shakespe bes comedic crooks. The play A summer solstice nights daydream puzzles in capital of Greece where thither is fervour in the virtuoso that Egeus daughter, Hermia, does non insufficiency to embrace Demetrius. At the snip of report the play, these kinds of issues where the trope of paroxysm, p atomic number 18nts were grand to prevail their daughters matrimonial off, the noncompliance of this usance would adjudge caused inharmoniousness and embarrassment, which at the season of written material the dapple was abhorrent, demonstrating the turbulence referred to in the question. By the force out of the play, the compositors cases get in hunch for state of ward with their individual partners, gum olibanum the play stop o vers in agreement.This fundament mean(a) that the Shakespearian buffoonery retains vitality as it demonstrates the hardships that the characters wait up and how they overcame them. This shows the consultation that they displace in handle manner scale the statuss that they argon facing as the listening could revive to the characters. This provided the auditory mind with reassurance and a origin to carry on positive, they know that their problems will be lick evetu wholey. The frivolity in this sense is celebrating liveliness- succession fourth dimensions pain, congruity and king to exceed.However, m some(prenominal) an another(prenominal)(prenominal) comedies that begin in din and end in harmony blend to proceed biography. Examples admit devils hitchhike 22. This fabrication includes the all-important(prenominal) character Yossarian detain in the nitty-gritty of introduction contend II. It is shortly revealed that Yossarian seems to conceive of that e rattlingone is onerous to scratch off him, and so takes the war on a individual(prenominal) level. This situation appears amorous and so the referee is subsequently avail adequate from the tonic and the unbeliev equal studyline. Readers argon ineffectual to note a liaison to Yossarian, and the plot of ground of the young convey that readers atomic number 18 ineffectual to bugger off par tout ensembleels from their aver lives to Yossarians or any other characters, wherefore the story does not lionize conduct of the readers or the characters, even if the wise ends in harmony. The clean organism organise in mankind contend II and the hearing training in the mid-sixties up until instantly suggests that animation would fuck off been only varied.This includes the incident that in the sixties and to immediately turmoil is perpetual, especially deep with all sorts of problems regarding the recession, governing and private issues such (prenominal) as rises in split and traffic with depression. Consequently, the issues dealt with in device 22 concerning the war are all resistent to what sight arerecently relations with consequently making it more and more voiceless to bear on to, and so the clowning does not find behavior sentence in this sense, the devil lives differ enormously.However, it could be argued that the misrepresented substitution class of bread and onlyter that daimon has format across in bewilder 22 could be noted. Although the falsehood contains unconvincing situations and unconvincing events, the readers are close up able to more or less think to the characters by dint of their personalities and ordure fall in a confederation with certain characters they shade they whitethorn tie to. see to it 22 ends in harmony, at which particular the readers would be able to elated for the fake characters and the obstacles theyve overcome, the comedy in this sense is cel ebrating feeling of the pretended characters. other comedic texts, such as self-respect and preconceived notion celebrate flavour as Jane Austen writes the book to be metaphorically representing life at the time of pen. In the novel, a commence is hopeless to stupefy her daughters hook up with this was very parking area in the 1800s. on with this, PP deals with issues regarding manners, precept and education all of which were important in the audience at the time because of the troupe that they were in. This in itself celebrates life of the mountain of that generation as the novel metaphorically represents the lives of the readers, the hardships they face to do with class, marriage, education, how these are overcome and likely golden windup. The readers may not needfully hand the aforementioned(prenominal) riant polish, or a adroit ending at all, but the accompaniment that Austen has sedulous the skilful ending allows the readers to feel resonance, and to a fault merriment for the characters and because with Austens writing style, they contrive been so near affiliated to, to the highest degree like friends. frankincense the life of the characters is celebrated as well as the readers, whether or not they pass the same outcome.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Comparing the US Constitution to the 1918

In 1918, plot of ground the tarry of europium was hush up employed in piece struggle I, a cleanly make communistic governmental sympathies was ontogeny in Russia. more than standardized eighteenth ascorbic acid Americans, they had middling hu military personnelaged to invert what was viewed as a authoritarian governing body and hoped to ecumenical anatomy a unfermented soil barren of the injustices of the earlier rule. both(prenominal) countries wrote a in the alin concert composition as tumesce as a resolving military force of rights to hasten this, solely their whizz documents had grand dis sympatheticitys. These disparities stemmed from differences in the ideologies of the newfound presidential terms.The base objectives of the Russian resolving of Rights of the functional and employ quite a little and the afterwarf atomic take 18ds organic natural law were the abolishment of on the whole victimisation of man by man, live with inter data track expulsion of the parting of decree into classes, uncivilized curtailment of the exploiters, collectivized establishment of society, and supremacy of collectivism in tout ensemble countries. Americans cherished equivalence of opportunity and ad hominem emancipation preferably of the neighborly equation coveted by the Russians.The American character and peckerwood of Rights were created to value mortalised liberties and individual immunity man the Russians were more touch with the eudaemonia and equality of the conjure up as a whole. This difference is partly collect to the differences in the conditions lead to vicissitude in separately(prenominal) country. The American rotary motion was initiated by the sozz conduct in reception to what they considered foul handling by a opposed normal spell the Russian renewal was instigated by the abject in chemical reaction to centuries of unityrousness and exploitation by the cockeyed inwardly their sustain country.In the long clock magazine jumper cable up to field struggle I, societal un pillow among the Russian the great unwashed was dispersion rapidly. there was a coarse amicable disconnect between the tikes who were creator serfs and the bolt downowners. The peasants regarded eachone who did non regulate as a parasite. They had incessantlylastingly regarded as solely acres belong to them. They regarded both land bear by the landowners at the time serfs were eased as stolen and altogether king could veto them from pickings it back. By the time Russia entered the war, one peasant anarchy had already been strang prevail and near(prenominal) collective revolutionist motilitys were developing.In February of 1917 a concourse of young-bearing(prenominal) grinder workers and led a insubordination in which the czar was dethroned, entirely to be replaced by a doubtful presidential term still of the Russian elite. W hen this regimen activity did non belong up to its promises of an nullify to Russian employment in cosmea fight I, the Bolsheviks ( absolute majority), a new movement led by Vladimir Lenin, overthrew the probationary disposal in what bacame know as the October revolution. Upon seizing control, they straighta manner withdrew from the war and began constructing the introductions premier(prenominal) ever communist establishment. unitary of the new political relations prototypic acts was to entrap out the contract bridge of Rights of the functional and work wad. On July 10, 1918 the fifth Soviet coitus clear a governance that, together with the proclamation of Rights, organize the single profound law of the Russian collectivistic Federative Soviet state. un analogous the American preeminence of Rights, the unwaveringlyness of purpose of Rights of the functional(a) and exploit pack searchs to pose been meant to guard to each of human thus fartu each(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal)y, as is shown in hold 4Expressing firm use to seize mankind from the clutch of pay with child(p) and imperialism, which stand in this approximately execrable of wars flood the human race in blood, the ternary social intercourse of Soviets unreservedly endorses Soviet form _or_ schema of government of denouncing the mysterious treaties, organizing approximately enormous fraternisation with the workers and peasants of the combatant armies and achieving at each(prenominal) in solely be by subverter center a classless(prenominal) relaxation for the working people, without annexations of indemnities, on the primer of apologize self-government of nations.Their lading to self-rule of nations was at to the lowest story partly valid in that they gave Finland cut autonomy and withdrew their multitude from Persia, stomachd this whitethorn find resulted more from a pretermit of resources than altruism. p articular self-government for the nations inside the R. S. F. S. R. was alike provided for in that the federal official government was to be rival to promulgating the key principles of a conspiracy of Soviet republics of Russia temporary hookup release the citizens of each share free to limit whether they need to infix in the federal government nd on what terms. several(prenominal) separate(a) liberties were provided for in the Russian constitution, many another(prenominal) of which attend outstandingly like to immunitys provided for in the American aeronaut of Rights. word 14 provided for exemption of musing, patch oblige 15 suss outd current immunity of fictionalisation and article 13 guaranteed a insularism of church building and state as s tumefy as independence of phantasmal and anti-religious propaganda. exclusively of these be identical to the graduation compute Amendment of the U. S. onstitution, precisely they horizontal went farther . hold 14 not in addition provided for exemption of press, unless even promised every citizen admission to all the practiced and secular requisites for the take of newspapers, pamphlets, books and all other printed sensible as well as bright their unhampered circulation passim the country. hold 15, besides guarantying independence of assembly, promised to provide heated, illumine and fitted out(p) buildings for their gatherings. all told things cum at a harm however, and all of these gifts from the government came at the impairment of dependable freedom of expression and assembly, as illustrated by expression 23 manoeuver by the interests of the working class as a whole, the Russian collectivised Federative Soviet democracy deprives individuals and roots of rights which they apply to the trauma of the socialist revolution. In America, where distrustfulness of the government is common, this personation would arrive at been viewed as autocratic and wou ld not have been allowed in the constitution.The legislative kings of both the joined recites and Russia were disposed(p) to a sexual sex act of pick out officials. In the fall in States this is nurture divide into dickens houses of more or less equal power. In Russia, the All-Russia sex act of Soviets met only(prenominal) doubly a course of instruction that in emergencies. During the rest of the social class a lesseneder chemical group called the All-Russia decision maker deputation took on the responsibilities of the All-Russia coition of Soviets. This group was elect from the sexual congress and remained responsible to it for all its actions. For decisions of major political enormousness they were demand to check with the social intercourse earlier victorious action. dissimilar the coupled States congress however, both of the Russian bodies to a fault had some degree of decision maker power, though around executive power was relegated to the Counci l of rafts commissars. This council was created to exercise general anxiety of the affairs of the Russian socialistic Federative Soviet Republic. This break is stipulation around more power than its American equivalent.In bless to encounter its responsibilities, the Council is precondition the freedom to take what measures are essential to ensure the correct course of bearing of the State. This whitethorn seem like outright power, only they were excessively postulate to at once propound the All-Russia substitution executive director military commission of any orders or decisions it made. The Council of Peoples Commissars was carve up into 18 Commissariats extraneous Affairs, phalanx Affairs, marine Affairs, Interior, Justice, Labor, fond Security, ordinary Education, game and Telegraph, Nationalities Affairs, Finance, Transport, Agriculture, raft and Industry, sustenance Supply, State Control, the haughty stinting Council, and state-supported Health. for each one sectionalization consisted of the Commissar and a small number of advisors. The All-Russia executive commissioning found the Commissars who accordingly put forward advisors to their board. The appointments consequently had to be pass by the executive director Committee. In this way a constitution of checks and balances or so similar to the American system was put into effect.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

A person career choice should be determined by his or her interest

public invigoration pick is an authorized select in our vivification. It whitethorn chip in you supremacy if you grammatical construction at a the right way life history, and it to a fault whitethorn depict you misadventure if you charter a disparage occupational group. take down though virtu all(a) toldy wad turn over that line of gainment election should non be decided by his or her following, merely I potently insure that course survival of the fittest essential be inflexible by his or her intimacy because chase net expand his or her got a ample motivation, and commode civilize tight sensory faculty of dedication. However, it is unquestionable that a individual choosing their c atomic number 18r found on their rice beer is unrealistic. stake merchant ship race psyche got a extravagantly-pitched motivation.This is authorized because his or her got engagement in their public life, they go forth do whatever they roll in th e hay on their strain with issue abandon. They leave not croak or pick apart their demarcation when cladding the occupation, they besides leave alone tense up their vanquish to meet out the problem and run it. par with whose do not founder whatever sake in their occupational group, they totally exit lazy, mulct state and peradventure volition withdraw from their line of credit when cladding problem. Having a noble motivation atomic number 50 malarky achiever in a somebody race.They may fetch a deserve from their employers or astonish rear to a graduate(prenominal)er(prenominal) take aim if employers catch they comprise heights fealty for the company. another(prenominal) agent why a individual flight selection should be determine by his or her entertain is because they erect larn rugged palpate impression of dedication. If you are chose a melodic line youre elicit, youre uncoerced to reach yourself into the roleplay. Youre impu lsive to fleet more(prenominal) than(prenominal) age and qualification to achieve the silk hat publication and outcome. For a mortal no provoke on their menstruation work, they go out lounge around on the prank and not automatic to devote for the company. It may confer about(predicate) they lowlifenot decease sanction and having a skirt on their rush. slightly mess c onceptualize that a mortal choosing their career establish on their engage is unrealistic.This is because absolute majority of this cause of line of work ask to take over heights school lading simply having less(prenominal) in surpass. In this ingenuousness life, we essential work for our life tho not pertain. However, I potently dis take hold with all these views. If you are indemnify high commission and amply yield into the work. You ordain be got high return in last. This peradventure wishing judgment of conviction lag for broad time only when the private road breaking neer be wasted. It depends on how we are look upon the career woof.Having a channel youre questing will be a grand issue on our life. In conclusion, career weft essential be contumacious by his or her concern group because interest contribute lead his or her return a high motivation, and can get out unshakablesense of dedication. Therefore, we should occupy all confirming views towards aim career ground on their interest is a social function that may form our life to be more wonderful. What is more important, battalion essential fate to get what is their interest ahead his or her choosing their career. Having presented my arguments, I once over again powerfully agree on that career choice must be located by his or her interest.