Thursday, October 31, 2019

An experience Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

An experience - Essay Example Despite of my repeated requests, he insisted on driving. I gave up after trying for a very long time. He was driving very fast and did not take care of the speed limits of the road. His rash driving led to us being stopped by the police. They performed the alcohol test and his alcohol level was above the normal limits. We had broken the law and we had to face the consequences. We were locked up in jail. Our parents reached for our help. They paid the fine. It was a very difficult situation for me. I found it very difficult to face my family and I had placed them in a tough position. I felt very ashamed. I learnt an important lesson that rules and regulations are meant to be followed. This is not only for the good of the society but also for not letting down your family. When I saw the concerned faces of my parents, I realized how reckless I had been. I analyzed that from that day onwards I would always follow the correct path and never let my parents down. My personality has been determined by both environmental as well as genetic influence. The occurrences of my life have alerted and shaped my personality but my response to these occurrences is determined by genetic influence. This is owing to the fact that there are many situations in which I see myself reacting in a similar manner as my father does. Thus my personality has been molded by both genetic and environmental

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Otherness Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Otherness - Essay Example The domination of Native Americans by European settlers, relegated them to no longer be masters of their identity. In films and books they were portrayed as savage and ignorant. They met the typical definition of the other in that in the eyes of the dominant group they lacked some â€Å"essential quality† (The Other, 2010). This othering of a group within society has very negative consequences. It is well illustrated in Sherman Alexie’s story â€Å"This Is What It Means to Say Phoenix, Arizona.† This stpry shows readers about life on a reservation. Identity is at its heart; especially the tension between an identity you make for yourself and one that is given to you by someone more powerful. Alexie's story tells the reader a great deal about what life can be like for Native Americans. It shows the serious social conditions on reservations and the breakdown of family relations due to substance abuse and other problems. The truth is that many Native Americans today live in the shadow of a trauma that was done to them many years ago. We have to have a sense of history if we are to understand people like Victor or Thomas Builds the Fire. These are men who are placed outside of society and whose sense of self is shaped not by their own dreams and ambitions but by a relentless effort to define them as others, as not full citizens. It is no wonder that faced with this kind of onslaught so many Native Americans struggle with substance abuse problems. The fact that much of the plot of this story takes place on a reservation is key. The Natives have been separated from the rest of society. They live on their small plots of lands with their own rules. They are not assimilated. In fact, few people know much about them. They are, in a sense, outside of history. History plays a major role in defining identities. What Alexie manages to show us, however, is how the characters in his story are more than blank canvasses or merely Other—they are real l ive human beings, facing their own struggles to shape their own place in the world. They are, for example, still able to forgive one another, as Thomas Builds the Fire is willing to forgive Victor. Thomas is passionate about storytelling—to him it is a ways to find his own place in the world and take some control over his circumstances. This is how a group defined as Others does its best to fight back—by telling its own stories about itself. In this story, it is Thomas who is ostracized on the reservation. Alexie represents otherness through the treatment of Thomas by the band. Anyone who is seen to have an imagination is considered to be different. Thomas tells the â€Å"same damn story over and over again† (Alexie, 62), and for this reason in part is seen to be different. When he breaks his leg, he is hated, for being imaginative enough to embrace his dream, even if only for a moment. This is how otherness is represented. Alexie’s perspective on otherne ss is surely a part of his own personal experiences growing up as an Indian in America. He grew up on a Washington reservation as part of a marginalized community. On top of that, he had a childhood disease which marked him out as different (Konigsberg). These things certainly shaped his relationships with others. He must have felt like an outsider looking in, a victim of other peoples’ preconceptions about him. It is useful to teach our children about these kinds of issues because they crop up everywhere in society. However, the discussion can be a little complex. The

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Aspergillus Fumigatus Identification and Molecular Character

Aspergillus Fumigatus Identification and Molecular Character IDENTIFICATION AND MOLECULAR CHARACTERIZATION OF Aspergillus fumigatus FROM SOIL R. V. Shalini, and Dr. K. Amutha ABSTRACT: Soil was collected, serially diluted and pure culture obtained; slant was prepared in potato dextrose agar and maintained throughout the study. Morphological, microscopical and macroscopically identification were carried out on the isolated organism. DNA was isolated from the 24 hour culture, for ITS-PCR amplification. DNA was amplified by mixing the template DNA (50nm) with the polymerase reaction buffer, dNTP mix, primers and Taq. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was performed in a total volume of 50Â µL reaction mixture. The PCR product was mixed with loading buffer (8Â µL) containing 0.025% bromophenol blue, 40% w/v sucrose in water and then loaded in 2% agarose gel with 0.1% of ethidium bromide and the amplified product was visualized under a UV trans illuminator for further examination. The PCR products were finally sequenced using the help of an automated DNA sequencer at progen Ltd (Salem, India) and analyzed with the BLAST program provided by the National Center f or Bio-technology information (NCBI) to confirm the fungal species. The current study demonstrates that DNA genome containing 18S rRNA has a high degree of analytical sensitivity and specificity (100%) for the detection of a wide range of fungi. OBJECTIVE: To isolate, identify and characterize Aspergillus fumigatus using molecular biological methods. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The soil was collected from different places, pooled together allowed to be dried at room temperature. The morphology based identification of Aspergillus was done which includes the size, shape, colour, ornamentation of spore and mode of attachment. Unfortunately a lot of difficulties arose for phenotypical identification of this fungus due to its unstable characteristics. Comparatively a DNA sequence-based identification format appeared to be the most promising in terms of its speed, ease, objectivity and reliability for species identification. RESULTS: The preliminary morphology based studies showed the isolated fungi as a species of aspergillus.However after the DNA isolation followed by sequencing it was concluded that the particular species identified as Aspergillus was Aspergillus fumigatus. KEY WORDS: Aspergillus, serial dilution, DNA, Sequenced. INTRODUCTION: The presence of organic matter in the soil affects the quantity and quality of microbes in the soil. The development of micro fungi in the soil is favoured by soils having acidic reaction and aerobic condition which is likely present in the soil. However the amount of degradation in the soil is brought about by the organisms present in the soil. 1The rate at which the organic matter is decomposed is inter related with soil microbes. (Arunachalam et al., 1997). Microorganisms come in various sizes and shapes and is determined by the soil ph., temperature, available moisture, degree of aeration, availability of nutrients in the soil etc. The genus of spore forming fungi is found worldwide out of which Aspergillus is the most dominant species and is ubiquitoes.Out of that 95% is occupied by Aspergillus fumigatus. The other pathogenic forms of Aspergillus species are Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus nidulans, Aspergillus terreus etc. This fungi exists only in mycelial f orm, and is thermo tolerant capable of growing at temperatures between 15-53Â °c.Being a spore producing fungi the spores gets dispersed by wind in the atmosphere. 2Aspergillus fumigatus is the most common among all the airborne saprophytic fungal pathogens in immune compromised patients mostly in developed countries (Latge, 1999). It is the main pathogenic agent of various diseases caused in humans including invasive pulmonary aspergillosis, aspergilloma and allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (Tomee van der Werf, 2001) – the former is a frequent cause death in immune compromised patients. The possession of different virulent traits gives A. fumigatus the ability to cause these diseases. It is a known fact that other members of the genus Aspergillus are either less pathogenic or non- pathogenic. Identification of the most common and important species remains problematic due to the variability in the phenotypic characters. However a validated and a careful approach of phenotypic classification (taxonomy) together with phylogenetic treatment of DNA sequence data is a prerequisite for a reliable and a rapid identification. In our inve stigation we used the molecular techniques (sequencing) for the reliable identification rather the identification based on their microscopic and few physiological features. MATERIALS METHODS: Collection of soil samples: Soil samples were collected from different places (in and around Chengalpattu). The surface deposits were removed to a depth of about 10 cm and the exposed soil was collected to a depth of 2-3cm. The collected soil samples were stored in zip locked covers stored in refrigerator temperature for further analysis. The collected soil samples were passed through a sieve to remove the stones and other impurities. Isolation of fungi: The glass wares were sterilized in an autoclave to a temperature of 120Â °c for twenty minutes. The chemicals were of analytical grade (Himedia). The method used for the isolation of fungi from soil was serial dilution method. 1 gm of soil was weighed and mixed in 10ml of double distilled sterile water. This was used for preparing serial dilutions. 1 ml of the final dilution (10-6 ) was pipetted into the prepared potato dextrose agar media (PDA) amended with a suitable antibiotic Chloramphenicol (12mg/100ml). The plates were incubated at 30Â °c for about seven days. Fungi that appeared on petriplates were isolated. The isolates were picked up based on apparent dissimilarity of cultural characteristics and purified. The purified isolates were identified according to the genera on the basis of cultural characteristics such as nature of growth, spore colour, and pigment production, and on morphological characteristics of mycelia and fruiting bodies (Domsch etal., 1980; Raper and Fenne ll 1965) and maintained in agar slants for future use3. Isolation of DNA: Genomic DNA was extracted from 24 hour old culture. Measured 100 micro gram of mycelium into a sterile 1.5- micro centrifuge tube. Simultaneously ground 1 microgram of dried (vacuum filter mycelium first) in a mortar and pestle treated with liquid nitrogen 5-6 times. Poured the frozen powder into the Eppendorf tube. Added 660 750 Â µl of lysis buffer and 10 Â µl of B-mercaptor.Vortexed the mixture for a few seconds. And Incubated at 65Â °C for 1 hour. Used a water bath for incubation. Centrifuged at a speed of 3400 rpm for 5 minutes at room temperature and aspirated out the top layer.Transfered the top aqueous layer into a fresh Eppendorf tube discarded the bottom layer. Measured out 700 Â µl of chloroform, isoamyl alcohol (24:1) into Eppendorf tube and adjusted the volume to meet a 1:1 ratio of aqueous phase.Vortexed the mixture for a few seconds. Centrifuged at a speed of 12000 rpm for 10 minutes at room temperature and aspirated out 550 600 Â µl of the top layer. Transfered the top aqueous layer into Eppendorf tube and discarded the bottom layer. Added 0.1volume of 3m potassium acetate and 0.7 volume of isopropanol. Mixed well by inverting the tube not by vortexing.Centrifuged for about 10 minutes and discarded the supernatant. Added 0.5 mL of ice cold ethanol (70% and inverted the tube gently, again it was centrifuged for about 5 minutes in a spinner) finally the pellets were resuspended in 100Â µl of TE buffer (PH-8). After further purification DNA was quantified spectrophotpmetrically and the quality was analyzed in 0.9% agorose gel. Amplification of 18srRNA by PCR: For ITS-PCR amplification, DNA was amplified by mixing the template DNA (50nm) with the polymerase reaction buffer, dNTP mix, primers and Taq polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was performed in a total volume of 50Â µL reaction mixture containing Primer (2Â µM/Â µL) 8.0Â µL 10X Buffer 5.0 Â µL 2mM dNTP Mix 5.0Â µL Taq DNA polymerase (5U/Â µL) 0.5Â µL Template DNA (50ng) 2.0Â µL Sterile distilled water 29.5Â µL Total volume 50.0Â µL PCR amplification condition: Amplification was carried out in a primus advanced gradient thermocycler. The PCR was programmed with an initial denaturing at 94Â °C for 5 min, followed by 30 cycles of denaturation at 94Â °c for 30 seconds, annealing at 61Â °c for 30 seconds, and extension at 70Â °c for 2 minutes and a final extension at 72Â °c for 7 minutes. The PCR product was mixed with loading buffer (8Â µL) containing 0.025% bromophenol blue, 40% w/v sucrose in water and then loaded in 2% agarose gel with 0.1% of ethidium bromide and the amplified product was visualized under a UV trans illuminator for further examination. (Sequencing) Sequencing of ITS region for identification of isolated fungi : Chosen Samples of the genomic DNA containing 18S rRNA were shortlisted for more specific species confirmation by using DNA sequencing. The sequenced PCR product was aligned with other isolate sequences from NCBI genbank for identification. The PCR products were finally sequenced using the help of an automated DNA sequencer at progen Ltd (Salem, India) and analyzed with the BLAST program provided by the National Center for Bio-technology information (NCBI) to confirm the fungal species. RESULTS: Macroscopic and Microscopic Analysis: Analysis of the isolated Aspergillus species showed variation in the colony colours, texture, and reverse side colours (table 1 and 2). The morphological microscopic and molecular characteristics showed that the isolate is Aspergillus fumigatus (details given in table 1and 2). Morphological characters of colony (table1) Characteristics Aspergillus fumigatus Surface colour Margins Reverse side Growth Green to dark green Entire Yellow Rapid Microscopic characteristics (table2) Characteristics Aspergillus fumigatus Hyphae Branched septate Conidiophore Present Vesicle Dome shaped Conidia Present Phialides Uniseriate Fruiting body Cleistothecia Fig A1 Fig A2 Morphological characterization of Aspergillus species on potato dextrose agar A1-Aspergillus fumigatus surface colour, A2-Reverse side of the colony. DNA sequencing of ITS region for identification of species: The species of fungi from the PCR sample was identified by DNA sequencing of the internally transcribed spacer (ITS) region of rRNA gene. Segments of the entire ITS regions, including partial 5.8S rRNA and internal transcribed spacer 2, complete sequence, 28S rRNA,partial sequence were amplified using the primer PGF04 5’-GGC ATC GGC C-3’. Amplification of the ITS region of strain Aspergillus fumigatus had a size of 1703bp. It was submitted to the NCBI and the accession number KC 119199 was received. M 1 2 Fig A3 represent the banding pattern of Aspergillus fumigatus from PCR reactions Lane M= Marker, Lane 1= Aspergillus fumigatus, lane 2=Aspergillus fumigatus. DISCUSSION: Detection of A. fumigatus is of great concern because it is a dangerous allergen associated with aspergillosis 5(Abraca et al., 1994; Schuster et al., 2002; Noonimabcet al.2009; Edwin et al., 2010; Gautam et al., 2011). This highlights the importance of correct identification and taxonomical differentiation between different species of Aspergillus. The taxonomy of Aspergillus has always been complex due to its great number of species (nearly 250), which have very few differences. The identification of different Aspergillus species, on the basis of their morphological characters (example, colony colours, and reverse side) is one of the oldest and most adopted methods. Some of the species of Aspergillus have the same morphological features which make it difficult to distinguish between them it is also a time consuming process and may not be accurate (Klich and Pitt, 1988; Samson et al., 2004)6. This shows that morphological and microscopical characters are not enough for fungal identification and it renders the need of molecular techniques for correct species identification. Molecular characterization on the other hand, is a rapid and a quick procedure which requires minimal handling of pathogens. It also helps in distinguishing morphologically, similar fungal species. Several similar studies on the application of PCR technology were used for the identification and detection of fungi, by using internal transcribed spacer (ITS) were already been studied and published7 by several scientist (Henson and French, 1993; Marek et al., 2003; Haughland et al., 2004; Druzhinina etal., 2005).. Many more such studies were also carried out very recently by God et and Munaut (2010) in the differentiation of Aspergillus flavus, A.parasiticus, A.tamarii and A.nomius by PCR-RAPD markers. Similarly, Leema et al. (2010) confirmed the species A. flavus by verifying; using the molecular methods that is, by amplification of the internally transcribed spacer regions. By using the help of RAPD-PCR, 8Khan et al. (2007) studied diversity in various Aspergillus niger isolates sourc ed from pigeon pea fields .Several molecular techniques have been tested to classify different Aspergillus species like random amplification of polymorphic DNA (RAPD) (Yuan et al., 1995), the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region (Kumeda and Asao, 1996; Henry et al., 2000; Kumeda and Asao, 2001; Rigo et al., 2002) and the aflatoxin gene cluster (Chang et al., 1995; Watson et al., 1999; Tominaga et al., 2006). In this study care was taken to choose the genomic DNA containing 18sRNA specifics primers that were helpful in amplifying medically important fungi. The genomic DNA containing 18s rRNA was the right candidate for detection of fungus as it is a mutli-copy gene which evolves slowly and is conserved among fungi. The present study proves that the genomic DNA containing 18s rRNA based PCR is suitable for probing large range of medically significant fungi owing to its higher level of analytical sensitivity and specificity. CONCLUSION: In this present study we had shown that molecular techniques are rapid and best for identification of fungi than the traditional morphological methods for early diagnosis and treatment of fungal infections. The goal of our study was to identify a practical, quick, cheap, method for the identification of A. fumigatus, the most common of the Aspergillus pathogens. REFERENCES: Arunachalam K, Arunachalam A, Tripathi RS, Pandey HN. 1997 – Dynamics of microbial population during the gradation phase of a selectively logged subtropical humid forest in north east India. Tropical Ecology 38, 333–341. Sirida Youngchim,1,2 Rachael Morris-Jones,1 Roderick J. Hay3 and Andrew J. Hamilton1 Production of melanin by Aspergillus fumigatus Journal of Medical Microbiology 2004, 53, 175–181. Domsch, K.H.,Gams W. and Anderson T.H. 1980.Compendium of soil fungi, vol 1.IHW-Verlag,Eching.,Raper,K.B.andFennel,D.I.1965.The genus Aspergillus (Baltimore: Williams Wilkins). Ferrer C, Colom F, Frases S, Mulet E, Abad JL, Alio JL:Detection and identification of fungal pathogens by PCR and by ITS2 and 5.8S ribosomal DNA in eye infections. J ClinMicrobiol 2001, 39(8): 2873-2879. Abraca ML, Bragulat G, Cabanes FJ 1994. Ochratoxin A production by strains of Aspergillus flavus var. niger . Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 60:2650-2652. Klich MA, Pitt JI 1988. Differentiation of Aspergillus flavus from Aspergillus parasiticus and other closely related species.Trans. Br.Mycol. Soc.91:99-108. Henson J, French R 1993. The polymerase chain reaction and plant disease diagnosis. Ann. Rev. Phytopathol.31:81-109. Khan MR, Anwer MA, Mohiddin FA 2007. Molecular diversity in Aspergillus isolates collected from pigeonpea field in Aligarh region.Environ. Biol. Conserv. 12:59-64. Godet F, Munaut F 2010. Molecular strategy for identification in Aspergillus section flavi. FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 304:157-168. Leema G, Kaliamurthy J, Geraldine J, Thomas PA 2010. Keratitis due to Aspergillus flavus: Clinical profile, molecular identification of fungal strains and detection of Aflotoxin production.Mol. Vision 6:843-854. Yuan G, Liu C, Chen C 1995. Differentiation of Aspergillus parasiticus from Aspergillus sojae by Random Amplification of Polymorphic DNA. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 61:2384-2387. Kumeda Y, Asao T 2001. Heteroduplex panel analysis a novel method for genetic identification of Aspergillus section flavi strains. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 67:4084-4090. Chang PK, Ehrlich KC, Bhatnagar JD, Cleveland TE 1995. Increased expression of Aspergillus parasiticus aflR, encoding a sequence specific DNA-binding protein, relieves nitrate inhibition of aflatoxin biosynthesis. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 61:2372-2377.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Canterbury Tales Essay - Marriage and the Role of Women in the Wife of

Marriage and the Role of Women in the Wife of Bath’s Prologue  Ã‚   The Canterbury Tales, begun in 1387 by Geoffrey Chaucer, are written in heroic couplets iambic pentameters, and consist of a series of twenty-four linked tales told by a group of superbly characterized pilgrims ranging from Knight to Plowman. The characters meet at an Inn, in London, before journeying to the shrine of St Thomas a Becket at Canterbury. The Wife of Bath is one of these characters. She bases both her tale and her prologue on marriage and brings humor and intrigue to the tales, as she is lively and very often crudely spoken. Her role as a dominant female contrasts greatly with the others in the tales, like the prim and proper Prioress represents the argument for virginity, whereas the Wife upholds the state of marriage. Women were very much perceived as second-class citizens in the Fourteenth Century, they were rarely educated and had little status in society. In contrast, the two female characters in the book are from areas of society where it was possible for women to have influence probably as these characters would hold more interest for his readership. The prioress was undoubtedly the most powerful person in the nunnery and the Wife’s position as a weaver would gain her respect and power although it is implied that she achieves this through other means. Through the Wife Chaucer shows how women achieved authority through marriage, using humor typical of modern mother-in-law comedy. His tongue in cheek approach shows how the Wife controls her husbands, by terrorizing them so that each were "ful glad" when she "spake to hem faire". The reason for the Wife’s cruel treatment after marriage was that she no longer needed "to winne hir love, or do... ...ant in the modern day church. The aspects of marriage portrayed in the Wife of Bath’s prologue feature heavily around sexual pleasure and wealth. Her description shows the struggle for power causes conflict, occasional violence and abuse; all the while she is justifying her lifestyle and fighting for female equality. Despite no fidelity, love, or trust as deceit and affairs that seem to be commonplace the Wife of Bath ‘s description of married life is very much a comical one, which she does seem to enjoy especially if she achieves fulfillment. Altogether Chaucer’s portrait of 14th Century married life is at best a humorous battleground for independence, wealth and pleasures of the flesh. Works Cited: Chaucer, Geoffrey. The Canterbury Tales. The Norton Anthology: English Literature. Sixth Edition, vol. 1. Ed. Abrams, M.H. Norton & Company: New York, 1993.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Insights That Travels Trough Time Essay

The dramatic effect of a masterpiece always depends on the one who views it. John Berger argues about perception and that only few own and experience the proficiency in terms of visual images that shape the cultural memory of a society. Berger opens out and focuses on the power of images (Parks, 2009). He looked up to how others should consider and understand how a certain image could produce â€Å"a new language of images†. Perhaps, he wanted to make each and every artist takes advantage of using his or her works to represent or reflect the ethos that exists in a society. For him the art itself speaks up a rich testimony about the culture and other occurrence in the history. Also Berger establish the notion that those who were unattached from their past, has unbound role and can freely act as an individual or a group. Herewith, it could be assumed that experiences affect how we accept or perceived something or how we or what we believe as true. Further, according to Berger â€Å"The relation between what we see and what we know is never settled†. The truth could be assumed to still rest in the eyes of the viewer. Berger insists to how we people should respond and take importance of what we see. With this, we should learn to read and know what lies behind it. Every image is an instrument that leads us to different region and period (Wong, 2009). If we just learn how to read and decipher the knowledge it offers, then we could freely purchase the vision that the most ignores References: 1. Parks S,. (2009)Studying Culture/Controlling Images. , Retrieve: April 14, 2009 http//www. temple. edu/isllc/sparks 2. Wong M. , (2009)Just in Time :Anamorphosis as a Strategic Survival Visual Tactics. , http://www. para-site. org. hk/_pre/96_txt4. html

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Motivation of Nurses in Healthcare

Nurses and the healthcare industry are having to deal with stressed and De-motivated employees, and never before has levels of Job satisfaction, stress and burnout been so high among nurses In the healthcare industry (Graham, 2006) . The aim of this Annotated Bibliography is to examine the motivation of nurses in healthcare, and specifically to find and study the different motivational theories which Improve levels of motivation among nurses.As stated by (Wham and Ogle, 2007) the question of how to improve the level of motivation in the healthcare industry is perceived to be at the heart of the contemporary health care management debate. The study builds to show that motivation Is multidimensional and complex needing clearer definitions, If searchers and practitioners are wanting to influence behaviors to motivate others. Similarly, (Hugh, 1995) had the same conclusion that motivating staff to Improve Involves many Interlinking factors. Hugh, 1995) goes on to show that through traini ng and continuing education a team's confidence and capability are enhanced creating an environment which is essential to maintaining momentum of continuous Increases In staff motivation and enthusiasm for improvement. Likewise, (Lee, 2000) suggests that motivation Is gained by empowering nurses to become role models, to mentor and motivate others. Which in turn enhances employees' motivation and professional development. The two articles (Wick.DOSS and Northman, 2009) and (Young. Albert, Apaches and Meyer, 2007) are similar in there approach by both identifying incentives to motivate employees. Both articles indicate a breakdown exists between nurse management and nurse practitioners with management not actively listening to nurse who express job stress and dissatisfaction. Both articles suggest flexible work schedules to improve levels of job satisfaction and individualized work incentives. Reference Externally, V. , and Satellite, E. 007) Improving motivation among health care wo rkers in private health care organizations- a perspective of nursing 1 OF 7 personnel, Baltic Journal AT Management, 2(2), 213-224 Alma/ Purpose 10 explore ten experiences of nursing personnel, in terms of their motivation and satisfaction. To identify areas for sustainable improvement to the health care services they provide. Article Type Research Article( quantitative) and brief literature review Method Sample 237 registered nurse practitioners and 30 nurse executive with a 97% returning quota of questionnaires.Data Collection 2 week response time to return survey. 9 close ended questions divided into 11 evaluation parts. Data Analysis: in order to identify barriers to motivation 99 questions were divided into 11 parts based on: Social-psychological competencies Clinical expertise competencies Educational competencies Managerial administration competencies Activity environment Communication and collaboration Responsibility Results and encouragement Autonomy Self realization Activi ty purposefulness.Each question had two elements or responses to them either reflecting the external or internal motivators of each situation. A score was arranged between the responses Findings Findings were presented individually in 11 parts. Interestingly nurse practitioners and executives both believe personnel empowerment and motivation comes from continuing development and evaluation of personnel problems. Both didn't foresee that the development of teamwork competencies and structuring of activity of scope of practice as affective ways of motivation.Conclusions The article concluded that with an increase demand for higher productivity, a changing health care systems and managed health care activity restrictions staff motivation is affected, with higher Job dissatisfaction and increased burnout rates. The research concluded that social factors influenced motivators: Motivation decreases when nurses aren't empowered and not autonomous in activity. Motivation increases when nurs es collaborate with physicians by parity. Results showed no difference between nurse practitioners and executives.Strengths Clearly written and articulated The authors is neutral in undertaking research and the viewpoints between nurse practitioners Ana nurse executives. I en autonomous plants toner areas AT research needed. The validity of the research paper can't be questioned and is therefore a useful reference in future studies. Weaknesses The quality of nursing cannot be assessed in terms of performance referenced criteria, but only in terms of personal qualities displayed in that performance. The characteristics of the provided sample limited the results. Reference Hugh, K. 1995) Motivating staff through teamwork: process review and data display. Health management Journal. 21(4), 32-35. Aim/purpose identify interlinking factors to motivate staff, in terms of total quality management and team work in a healthcare setting. Article type Critique Approach Examines claims there are four interconnecting intervention factors which are essential to motivating staff are: Understanding the psychology of excellence in teams Establishing cross-functional quality improvement teams Understanding and reviewing processes of care and service Using data display to motivate.The article also uses psychology to understand total quality management and seeks to show how through teamwork staff become empowered in numbers and motivated. The author attempts to involve six issues which attempts to be a key determinate of staff motivation levels: Awareness of the employee trail Awareness of psychological issues Managing the existing culture of staff Increasing quality improvement attitudes in staff Integration of human resource management into operational teamwork Keeping jargon too minimum. Conclusion Describes four major factors which have practical implications, to motivate staff.The author points out that training and continuing education enhances team's confidence and capabili ty, and that these factors are essential to maintain momentum and increase staff motivation and enthusiasm for improvement. Strengths The strength of the paper is it is descriptive in nature, and provides the deader with numerous way to improve motivation of employees. Weaknesses The weakness of the paper is it use limited sources back up it claims. The author also appears to be bias in his approach drawing on his own experiences or opinions rather then using evidence based practice.Reference Wick, K. , Dols, J. , and Northman, S. (2000)What nurses want: the nurse incentives project. Nursing economics Journal. 27(3), 169-201. Aim/purpose To explore the relationship between specific factors, which can be managed or changed to improve motivation and Job satisfaction. The authors aims to show that nurse Job distraction, physician interactions, policies or autonomy are all related to staff motivation. Article type Research Method An anonymous survey involving 22 hospital systems and 5,1 76 Runs was circulated. Only 1 ,559 of the anonymous surveys were analyses.This study was designed to allow predictive modeling of a set of independent variables, by including incentives and disincentives, in relation to what causes nurses to be dissatisfied and unmotivated in their Jobs. An online survey was also conducted over a 3 month period using the hospitals intranet, staff were made aware of the online survey through use of flyers. The data collected from both surveys, were analyses using the perceived stress scale. This scale isn't specifically for nurses and therefore isn't clinical oriented. The scale is a simple 10 item scale, involves respondents to respond from a range of â€Å"never† to â€Å"very often. The ASS score ranged from 10 to 50. The data used was then compared the mean age of nurses involved and the ethnicity. Findings The article shows that the mean age of nurses involved in the survey is 42. 24 years, with 88. 5% of respondents being female. The e thic breakdown was 5. 3% African American, 6. % Asian, 70. 3% Caucasian, 16. 4% Hispanic, and 1. 3% listed other or no response. Conclusion The results were compared with the levels of staff dissatisfaction and stress showing a direct correlation between increased stress results in De-motivated staff and higher levels of Job dissatisfaction.The levels of dissatisfaction and De-motivation was also comparatively different between the generations, as well as the incentives which staff through the survey identified as means of improving motivation levels. The article recommends that to improve levels of motivation management needs to revive flexible benefits to help create a cohesive work environment. By regarding the role of incentives in designing an environment where benefits and perks will be seen as incentives to perform tasks promptly and thrive in the current nursing workplace.Strengths The strength of this paper is it draws information from a variety of sources increasing the re liability of the document. The data collected is presented statistically and clearly. By using a variety of methods it increases the validity of the paper. Weaknesses A low response rate of 30% could serve as a attention source of bias as some groups or hospitals maybe under-represented. Rather then present ways to improve motivation and levels of dissatisfaction, the article shows that levels of dissatisfaction and motivation are low. With high levels of staff indicating that they are unmotivated and stressed in there Jobs.Reference Lee, L. (2000) Motivation, mentoring and empowerment. The nursing management Journal. 1 (12) 25-27. Aim/purpose To define motivation, and to show that through empowerment and mentoring staff become more motivated to perform. Article type Meta-analysis of literature Approach The author uses the evidence presented by 7 well known nursing journals to define motivation as â€Å"that which impels or compels movement or action. † I en paper contributed to ten area Dye suggesting Tour stages to Deescalate motivation, mentoring and empowerment: Input: motivate employees.Process: mentoring to channel motivation to reach goals. Output: completed goals creates empowerment. Feedback: empowered nurse has greater self-esteem and competence. The article is based on nursing practice to improve quality of care and enhance understanding of the nurse leaders role in motivation, mentoring and empowerment. The article suggests taking a test to identify how one can implement motivation, mentoring and empowerment to encourage higher achievement, to identify characteristics of a successful mentor/protog relationship, and differentiate the stages of motivation, mentoring and empowerment.Conclusion The article shows how mentoring and empowerment of nurses gives nurses freedom to be creativity and to turn ideas into action. The article shows how current literature suggests that a creative climate in which employees can perform, become motivated in th eir work and are able to motivate themselves and others. The author states that motivation, mentoring and empowerment aren't separate identities. The author shows how motivation and empowerment fuel mentoring. And that through mentoring protogs become empowered, which enhances professional development and motivation.Strengths The article in itself is motivation, encouraging researchers to become empowered and motivated and to think about think about other means to motivate others that haven't been thought of before to contribute to this area of knowledge and research. Weaknesses The paper is limited and weakened by not using enough information from scholarly peered reviewed resources. , making very generalized statements. Reference Young, C. , Albert, N. , Apaches, S. , and Meyer, K. (2007) The ‘parent shift' program: incentives for nurses, rewards for nursing teams.Nursing Economics Journal. 25(6) 339-344. Aim/purpose To introduce the ‘parent shift' program as innovativ e model of attracting, retaining and motivating nurses to return into the workforce. The study aims to show how the parent shift nurse program decreases stress, improves time efficiency of full time staff and also improves motivation of involved staff and those that work with them. Article type Research (quantitative) Method The prospective, descriptive, comparative survey research study was conducted in a 1000+ bed hospital.The survey was anonymous and conducted over a 12 month period, and conducted on day one of commencement and 4 months after. This survey was also conducted in reference to the nursing management, who were given a salary survey wanly was contacted 4 months rater ten Implementation. I n data was summarized by mean and standard deviation. Nursing motivators were ranked on percentage and nursing management and URN roles responses were compared. Conclusion A brief literature review was conducted at the start of the article which found that in one study that those invo lved in the parent shift program that 98. % of respondents found the program extremely useful. And also found that in terms of nursing management it decreased overtime and burnout, and collaboration and team work was also enhanced among nurses. The literature review also stated that nurses motivation and retained in the workforce improved 41. 5% when the current employer accommodated their scheduling needs. In all areas it was found that nurse involved were less stressed, team work improved and URN cohesiveness improved. It was found that a supportive work environment, was created due to flexible working environment.Strengths The study suggests other areas to be improved upon if research is undertaken in the same field again. (program affects on teamwork, interruptions, models of care implementation, ability to meet non-patient care responsibilities and the dynamics of specific roles and responsibilities could strengthen the program). Weaknesses Large sampling size resulted in a gen eralization of results. Only operated for a short time. Other staff members working along side those involved in the program weren't revered.And was identified as an important factor in continued program participation. The literature review which was conducted prior research was short and didn't provide enough information. Conclusion This annotated bibliography highlighted many different opinions and studies related to motivating employees. The research into this topic supports the belief that employee motivation is related to empowerment, mentoring, continued education and autonomy within the workplace. Of the five articles in this annotated bibliography all come to the similar conclusion and finding .They analyses and viewed a sufficient number of studies and theories in the area of motivating staff in the healthcare environment. It can be concluded that motivation increases when nurses collaborate with physicians, the nursing profession is respected and recognized as autonomous a nd valued by themselves and other healthcare professionals. After analysis of the sources of motivation among nurses as shown through the respective annotations, it is evident that management needs to listen to employees and recognize when motivation is an issue in their unit and the incentives needed to re-motivate staff.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

run essays

run essays Science fiction has always been a mystery to me. I have never found it to be very interesting. The science fiction novels that I have read in the past have all been very involved, so involved that I often get lost in it all. William Gibsons Neuromancer is a very interesting read though. Before I read the book, I read the lecture notes and started paying attention to many of the ideas that were portrayed throughout the book. The world that the book is taking place in is the future. Living in todays world we have all thought about the great things we can look forward to in the future. However, many of todays people see the future as only good and ignoring the fact that the world could get worse as the future approaches. With the amount of resources we are using today it is obvious that we are going to run out and our standards of living will once again decline. This is evident in the book as the book speaks often of the dark side and the way that life has deteriorated. It is also very interesting to see that the world has become one, in other words people from all walks of life are mingled with each other. Because of the development of technology the human life has extended, people are living longer then our creator might have intended. Many of the people, if you can call them that, have had work done to them to allow them to live longer, prosthetics and other things to extent their lives. The book is unlike most science fiction novels in that it does not involve one individual saving a large group of people. Rather this book is simple in its goal, Colonel Corto or Armitage as he is known hires Case a cyberspace cowboy to run a top secret operation. The story revolves around Chase performing his tasks and the obstacles he runs in to. At the end of the book there is not a great number of people that are effected, rather the book ends on a slightly light note with Chase having the toxins removed fr...

Monday, October 21, 2019

What Is NCAA Division 2

What Is NCAA Division 2 SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips The NCAA, the major governing body for intercollegiate sports, separates its member institutions by divisions. Division 2 colleges are generally smaller and have fewer athletic department resources than Division 1 schools, but Division 2 colleges are larger and more well-funded than Division 3 institutions. While Division 2 schools may not have the money or get the publicity of Division 1 institutions, many Division 2 colleges have passionate fan bases that show enthusiastic support for their sports teams. In this article, I’ll thoroughly explain what makes NCAA Division 2 unique and provide facts about NCAA Division 2 and its member schools. What Is the NCAA? The National Collegiate Athletic Association, or NCAA, is the major governing body for intercollegiate sports. There is a much smaller governing body for intercollegiate sports with far fewer member institutions known as the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics, or NAIA. Also, the governing body for sports at 2-year colleges is the National Junior College Athletics Association, or NJCAA. The role of the NCAA is to oversee championships and establish and enforce rules for its member institutions. Why Are There NCAA Divisions? The purpose of NCAA divisions is to create parity and a more level playing field in intercollegiate sports. Also, the existence of NCAA divisions gives smaller schools with fewer resources the opportunity to compete for championships. What Makes Division 2Unique? There are about 300 schools and over 100,000 students who participate on Division II sports teams. On average, Division II schools are substantially smaller than Division I schools and have lower athletic budgets. Regional rivalries dominate the schedules of Division II colleges, whereas Division I schools tend to compete more nationally. Division II schools offer athletic scholarships, but fewer than in Division I. Division III schools don't offer any athletic scholarships. The majority of athletes on athletic aid at D-II institutions are on partial athletic scholarships. Division 2Rules The NCAA sets rules for Division II schools to ensure competitive balance, opportunities for all athletes, and gender equity. Division II colleges have to sponsor at least 5 sports for men and five for women (or four for men and six for women), with two team sports for each gender, and each playing season represented by each gender. There are contest and participant minimums for each sport. Football and men’s and women’s basketball must play at least 50% of their games against Division II, FBS, or FCS opponents. There are no attendance requirements for football or arena game requirements for basketball. There are maximum financial aid awards for each sport. Types of Schools in Division2 There are Division II schools in 44 states, Washington DC, Puerto Rico, and British Columbia. There are both public and private colleges in Division II. Examples of Division II private schools include Azusa Pacific University, Rollins College, and Pace University. Examples of Division II public schools include San Francisco State University, University of North Georgia, and Upper Iowa University. Division II Facts Division II has 6 schools with enrollments over 15,000 and 133 schools with enrollments below 2,500. Average enrollment is 3,848. There are 24 athletic conferences in Division II. There is an average of 429 student-athletes at Division II schools with football and 267 at schools without football. All Division II championship finals are broadcast live on national television or live-streamed on Division II student-athletes consistently graduate at a higher rate than other students at Division II institutions. What's Next? Learn more about the differences between NCAA divisions. If you're interested in participating in college sports, make sure you know about the college athletic recruiting process. For those of you who want to compete in the NCAA, check out the articles on the SAT and ACT scores you need to be eligible. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Bipolar Disorder 2

Bipolar Disorder 2 Essay Bipolar affective disorder has been a mystery since the 16th century. History has shown that this disorder can appear in almost anyone. Even the great painter Vincent Van Gogh is believed to have had bipolar disorder. It is clear that in our society many people live with bipolar disorder; however, despite the amount of people suffering from it, we are still waiting for explanations for the causes and cure. The one fact of which we are aware is that bipolar disorder severely undermines its victims ability to obtain and maintain social and occupational success. Because bipolar disorder has such debilitating symptoms, it is important that we keep looking for explanations of its causes and for more ways to treat this disorder. Bipolar has a large variety of symptoms, divided in two categories. One is the manic episodes, the other is depressive. The depressive episodes are characterized by intense feelings of sadness and despair that can turn into feelings of hopelessness and helplessness. Some of the symptoms of a depressive episode include disturbances in sleep and appetite, loss of energy, feelings of worthlessness, guilt, difficulty thinking, indecision, and reoccurring thoughts of death and suicide. The manic episodes are characterized by elevated or irritable mood, increased energy, decreased need for sleep, poor judgment and insight, and often reckless or irresponsible behavior. These episodes may alternate with profound depressions characterized by a deep sadness, almost inability to move, hopelessness, and disturbances in appetite, sleep, problems with concentrations and driving. Bipolar affective disorder affects approximately one percent of the population (approximately three million people) in the United States. It occurs in both males and females.Bipolar disorder is diagnosed if an episode of mania occurs whether depression has been diagnosed or not. Most commonly, individuals with manic episodes do experience a period of depression. Symptoms include elated, excited, or irritable mood, hyperactivity, pressure of speech, flight of ideas, inflated self-esteem, decreased need for sleep, distractibility, and excessive involvement in reckless activities. As the National Depressive and Manic Depressive Association (MDMDA) has found out in their research, bipolar disorder can create marital and family disruptions, occupational setbacks, and financial disasters. Many times, bipolar patients report that the depressions are longer and increase in frequency as the person ages. Many timess bipolar states and psychotic states are misdiagnosed as schizophrenia. The onset of Bipolar disorder usually occurs between the ages of 20 and 30 years of age, with a second peak in the mid-forties for women. A typical bipolar patient may experience eight to ten episodes in their lifetime. However, those who have rapid cycling may experience more episodes of mania and depression that follow each other without a period of remission. The three stages of mania begin with hypomania, in which patients report that they are energetic, extroverted and assertive. Hypomania progresses into mania and the transition is marked by extreme loss of judgment. Often, euphoric grandiose characteristics are displayed, and paranoid or irritable characteristics begin. The third stage of mania is evident when the patient experiences paranoid delusions. Speech is generally rapid and hyperactive behavior sometimes turns into violence. Sometimes both manic and depressive symptoms occur at the same time. This is called a mixed episode. Those affected are at special risk because there is a combination of hopelessness, agitation, and anxiety that make them feel like they could jump out of their skin. Up to 50% of all patients with mania have a mixture of depressed moods. Patients report feeling dysphoric, depressed, and unhappy; yet, they have the energy associated with mania. Rapid cycling mania is another form of bipolar disorder. Mania may be present with four or more episodes within a 12 month period. Lithium has been the primary treatment of bipolar disorder since its introduction in the 1960s. Its main function is to stabilize the cycling characteristic of bipolar disorder. In four controlled studies by F. K. Goodwin and K. R. Jamison, the overall response rate for bipolar subjects treated with Lithium was 78% (1990). Lithium is also the primary drug used for long- term maintenance of bipolar disorder. In a .

Friday, October 18, 2019

Ethical theory and bio ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Ethical theory and bio ethics - Essay Example Kantian ethics revolve around Kant’s principle of Categorical Imperative. Two major formulations of this principle are: formula of the universal law, and formula of the end in itself. I think that Kantian ethics are not flexible, and are based on duty rather than consequences. They become a problem in situations where compassion and empathy has to be preferred over duty. Greek ethics before Socrates focused on ethike arà ªte in carrying out a responsibility efficiently. Ethike arà ªte presented role-defined ethics, and formed the basis for many ethical principles. However, Socrates changed this perception, asserting that there have to be distinctive ethike arà ªte for every individual. I feel this change was important to shift from a broader sense of ethical characteristics to a narrow one. For example, Greek ethics before Socrates tended to ask, â€Å"What are the good traits of a physician?’ Socrates changed this to a narrow sense as, â€Å"What are the good traits of a person who seeks to be a

Leadership and Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Leadership and Management - Essay Example The company’s name is Sweet Nature Limited. Besides the Marketing department, the company had three other major departments: Finance department, Purchasing and Supply Chain department, and Human Resource department. In the department, I was a member of a certain group charged with the responsibility of making important decisions concerning sales and marketing. The group was under Bill, who was the Vice President, Mary, the Manager, Stella, Frank and I who were market researchers whereas Peter and Jane were public relation assistants. The table below delineates the responsibilities and attributes of each of the people in the group. ... ws with the media Chatty Experiences Friendly sociable Name :Peter Sex : Male Age :30 years Public relations Chooses the right form of advertising Media spokesman of the company Conduct interviews with the media Friendly Introverted Table 1: A table showing the names, age, exposition, duties and the basic attributes of each of the members in the Sales and Marketing decision making group At one instance, the company was contemplating introducing a new line of products. We held a meeting in the company’s boardroom for several hours to discuss on various matters concerning the new product, with regard to sales and marketing. The company’s top management needed to seek our opinion as to whether the new product would be lucrative to the company. As the marketing department, we had extensive knowledge about the target market of the new product and the strategies required to successful introduce the product. However, during the meeting, there arose various disagreements among the group members basing on a variety of issues. Some members could not agree about the market entry strategy, the initial pricing of the product, the means of advertisements to be used to promote the product, matters to do with market segmentation, among many others. Thus, in the meeting, there was increased communication breakdown. Bill, the Vice President in sales and marketing department, chaired the meeting. He veneered a rough time controling the group as there was heated debate in various aspects. An eminent example which depicts how the group could not come to consensus so easily involves the pricing strategy to be adopted during the introduction of the new product. The table below depicts what transpired during the discussion regarding price strategy Member View on pricing strategy Bill He

System engineering Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

System engineering - Coursework Example Sometimes change is usually unpredictable, coming at time that an organisation does not anticipate it. In such a scenario, the way an organisation handles the change determines the adaptability that determines the recovery of the organisation. Various recommendations have been given on how to manage change in systems engineering. To effectively deal with change in systems engineering, it is recommended to follow a simple guideline. First identify the areas that change is required in the processes and justify the need for change. Secondly, assess and evaluate the possibility of positive results from a change in terms of dealing with stakeholders needs or coming up with a better product. Thirdly, change managers should implement the change in a process that does not disrupt the whole system. When a change is finally in place, it should be practiced to replace the previous process and made the norm. This should then be followed by periodic monitoring of the change as it is being impleme nted and evaluation of the whole process (Habhouba, Cherkaoui, and Desrochers, p.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Water in the California desert Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Water in the California desert - Research Paper Example As the climate continues to change the appearance of the planet,those who inhabit it, are faced with the various issues that come with such changes occurring in the first place. In times of considerable rain occurring,the concern becomes the potential flooding that would require specific plans in place,in order to aid those most affected. The same would also be said in instances were there would be a lack of water in the given environment that would also lead to problems that would need to be addressed in order to aid the general populous in the surrounding area, as well as any other regions that may be impacted. One such region to consider, in terms of discerning as to whether or not they would have a noticeable issue with water, would be the southern part of California.Different factors would be in place, in terms of assessing the situation in its entirety and determining whether or not the area of Southern California, would in fact have an issue with water availability. In terms o f describing the region of Southern California, "California's 25,000 square miles of desert can be divided into two basic zones; the Mojave, or high desert, and the Colorado, or low desert. Each of these areas contains unique fauna and flora, as well as other natural resources that make them an important part of California's present and future. California's deserts are home to two National Parks (Death Valley and Joshua Tree), a National Reserve (East Mojave), and California's largest state park, Anza- Borrego," ("California's", p.1). With the above mentioned importance that this region of California would have, it would remain essential to answer any problems that may arise for the area, which in this case, would be the issue of water shortage. Different organizations would be in place, with the essential purpose of gauging the water levels present within their locale. In the case of Southern California, according to testimony provided by the chairman of the board of directors for the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, in his testimony before a Senate committee handling such an issue, the director would outline what he felt were the issues facing the region, in testimony that would go toward the assertion that, in terms of a potential water issue for the region of Southern California, they would in fact be facing such a problem. In terms of describing the group that Timothy F. Brick would represent, "Metropolitan Water District of Southern California is the nation's largest provider of imported water to an urban area. The population in its service area is more than 18 million, and it is projected to rise to 22 million by 2030. Metropolitan is comprised of 26 member public agencies that service an area spanning 5,200 square miles and six southern California counties," (Childs, 2007). As an organization that would represent a wide a rea and would service multiple counties within the region of Southern California, in terms of making the assertion that there would in fact be an issue with the availability of water in the area, they would be an organization that would know what they were talking about. In the period of time just before the Director would give his testimony, the area of Los Angeles alone, would have received an alarmingly low amount of rain, which in turn, would have translated into an issue for the overall water supply. From a political standpoint, the Governor for California would set forth with a plan to handle the continuing issue of water deficiency that areas within the state, such as California would continue to see. As those involved would allude to, there would be methods possible in the process toward remedying the issue and seeking the best possible outcome. In terms of the political legislation suggested from the state level, "The plan is comprised of four policy bills and an $11.14 billion bond. The package establishes a

Internet and children Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Internet and children - Research Paper Example This paper will aim to understand the facets of children and internet. It is clear that internet and technology are vital components of the future. With the advent of technology, the internet has become a very strong force. Internet is a monumental channel that can have a positive and a negative impact on children. The advent of social media has revolutionized internet, but is it safe for children. In my opinion, the internet has become an addiction for the children in more bad than good. As a matter of fact, this paper will aim to analyze this addiction that has deterred children from physical activity. The question remains- has the Internet produce a thinking and analysis in children? Are We Losing Our Ability to Think Critically?, an excellent article written by Samuel Greengard certainly agrees with this phenomena. As a matter of fact, conducive research statistics indicate this to be a vital force as many children use GOOGLE as a search engine. Additionally, many scholars insist that at least 65% of children have been a victim of cyber bullying. Without a doubt, these are hefty sources. The advent of internet has opened many paths but has may diminish critical thinking. Children are quick to GOOGLE or use Wikipedia as their primary source of information.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

System engineering Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

System engineering - Coursework Example Sometimes change is usually unpredictable, coming at time that an organisation does not anticipate it. In such a scenario, the way an organisation handles the change determines the adaptability that determines the recovery of the organisation. Various recommendations have been given on how to manage change in systems engineering. To effectively deal with change in systems engineering, it is recommended to follow a simple guideline. First identify the areas that change is required in the processes and justify the need for change. Secondly, assess and evaluate the possibility of positive results from a change in terms of dealing with stakeholders needs or coming up with a better product. Thirdly, change managers should implement the change in a process that does not disrupt the whole system. When a change is finally in place, it should be practiced to replace the previous process and made the norm. This should then be followed by periodic monitoring of the change as it is being impleme nted and evaluation of the whole process (Habhouba, Cherkaoui, and Desrochers, p.

Internet and children Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Internet and children - Research Paper Example This paper will aim to understand the facets of children and internet. It is clear that internet and technology are vital components of the future. With the advent of technology, the internet has become a very strong force. Internet is a monumental channel that can have a positive and a negative impact on children. The advent of social media has revolutionized internet, but is it safe for children. In my opinion, the internet has become an addiction for the children in more bad than good. As a matter of fact, this paper will aim to analyze this addiction that has deterred children from physical activity. The question remains- has the Internet produce a thinking and analysis in children? Are We Losing Our Ability to Think Critically?, an excellent article written by Samuel Greengard certainly agrees with this phenomena. As a matter of fact, conducive research statistics indicate this to be a vital force as many children use GOOGLE as a search engine. Additionally, many scholars insist that at least 65% of children have been a victim of cyber bullying. Without a doubt, these are hefty sources. The advent of internet has opened many paths but has may diminish critical thinking. Children are quick to GOOGLE or use Wikipedia as their primary source of information.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Alcohol Research Paper Essay Example for Free

Alcohol Research Paper Essay Alcohol plays too significant a role in society today and should be an after thought as opposed to the most essential addition to any social event. Alcohol creates numerous social, economic, and health problems that could very easily be stopped if it played a less influential role in every day events. The use of alcohol is prominent in, but not limited to three social circles that include students, family groups, and religious gatherings. Experts have much to say about alcohol use and abuse in these three categories, including all of the negative aspects of drinking. Social drinking is a common occurrence around America. Whether it is after work or after a football game, white collar or blue, two-thirds of the American population sit down at least once a week to enjoy an alcoholic beverage (Med. unc. edu). Many of these people do not realize that drinking is what leads to uncontrolled behavior, drunk driving, and in the long run, addiction. They are thinking only of the short-term effects, not the negative long-term consequences. People who regularly turn to alcohol eventually begin to neglect their families and other responsibilities, consequently wrecking the lives of loved ones and their own as well. While the lasting negative effects of alcohol use are spewed daily through the media, the problems will not stop until society completely understands how alcohol can indeed pose a serious threat to the nations social welfare. Alcohol has an adverse effect on the economy. The consequences of alcohol abuse and dependence cost the nation an estimated $99 billion each year (Gordis, 209). It is tax money that pays for alcoholics who both live on the street and are barely getting by or who are in government-funded hospitals and institutions. The United States should either find an alternative way to take care of these people or perhaps raise liquor taxes. Either one of these options would conceivably minimize the economical problems caused by alcoholic beverages. It is not the responsibility of the people as a whole to take care of the homeless people who have fallen prey to the lure of alcohol related problems. As of 1991, about 14 million Americans met medical diagnostic criteria for alcohol abuse or alcoholism. There are numerous health problems that are linked to drinking. For instance, if alcohol is consumed during pregnancy, birth defects may result, worse, the baby could be born addicted to alcohol (Kellam, 30). High doses of alcohol have also been found to delay puberty in females and slow bone growth and result in weaker bones (Windle, 179). One of the main risks of drinking alcoholic beverages is having a stroke. A review of epidemiological evidence concludes that moderate alcohol consumption increases the potential risk of strokes caused by bleeding (Camargo, 1620). Another medical problem that involves alcohol is the use of prescription medications. Alcohol may interact harmfully with more that 100 medications, including some sold over the counter. The effects of alcohol are especially augmented by medications that depress the function of the central nervous system, such as sleeping pills, sedatives, and antidepressants, and certain painkillers (Thomas, 336). Upon understanding the risks of drinking, some people would surely stop. Better health is a good reason to do so. One of the main groups of alcohol users is high school and college students. Despite a legal drinking age of 21, many young people in the United States consume alcohol. There are several factors that put youth at risk for drinking and for alcohol-related problems and also several consequences of their drinking. Thirteen- to fourteen- year-olds are at high risk to begin drinking. This is a confusing stage in their life and they are easily pressured into doing things they would not normally do. Also at high risk are twins and adopted children. Studies of these two groups demonstrate that genetic factors influence an individuals vulnerability to alcoholism. Children of alcoholics are more likely than children of nonalcoholics to imitate drinking during adolescence and develop alcoholism, but the relative influence of environment and genetics have not been determined and vary among people (Chassin, 453). Advertising has also been found to play an influencing role in adolescents decision to drink. Research has assessed the effects of alcohol advertising awareness on intentions to drink. In a study of fifth- and sixth-graders awareness measured by the ability to identify products in commercials with the product name blocked out awareness had a small but statistically significant relationship to positive expectancies about alcohol and intention to drink as adults (Grube, 257). Although there are many risk factors inviting youths to drink, one of the most prevalent is peer drinking and acceptance of drinking. If one minor sees another drinking he would most likely find it acceptable and join his friend. If all of these risk factors were reduced, say, less advertising of alcohol where children will likely be influenced, children would not find it as acceptable to drink and would probably not start off so young or abstain wholly. Though the prevalence of binge drinking varies among campuses, the overall statistics are alarming. A 1993 survey by 18,000 students at 140 colleges in 40 states found that 44% of the students drank heavily (med.unc. edu). In an effort to curb students thirst for alcoholic beverages, many schools are trying to come up with alternatives to promoting social events that involve alcohol. Colby University has come up with a new program that offers students an alternative to getting ? sloshed. Faculty and students there have formed a committee that will recommend a reorganization of social functions. One of their recommendations was that the student association spend at least 50% of their funds exclusively alcohol free events. The other 50% of the funds may be used for entertainment, decorations, or refreshments, but may not be used for the purchase of alcohol (colby. edu). More schools should take part in this kind of rehabilitation, not only does it give the school a positive reputation, but it gives the student s more time to concentrate on the reason that they are there which is to learn. Serving food, non-alcoholic drinks, offering activities and entertainment such as games and music, and ceasing to give alcohol two hours before the end of the party are all ideas that will promote safe social scenes and responsible parties. One way to deter younger drinkers from becoming addicts is to step up the punishment for law-breakers who have a blood alcohol concentration indicating public intoxication. Whether it is as minor as carrying a fake identification card or as major as a drunk driving accident, offenders who break the law while legally intoxicated should be punished to the full extent of the law. Alcohol abusers, these risk takers and law-breakers, may realize after being punished once or twice that this is not the path they should take. Sobriety is a great thing, and the choice to be sober is one that should have positive connotations as opposed to the negative ones that go with drinking and being drunk. Learning at a young age that alcohol is not the great thing that everyone makes it out to be is a step in the right direction. We really should start now on a program that gives every child from kindergarten to college factual, unbiased training about alcohol. Then in a couple of generations wed see fewer problems. Most people would have learned to drink responsibly. (Weiner, 93) The earlier people learn, the best it will be for them and society in general.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Energy Saving By Using Solar Panels Engineering Essay

Energy Saving By Using Solar Panels Engineering Essay Climate change concerns, coupled with high oil prices, peak oil, and increasing government support, are driving increasing renewable energy legislation, incentives and commercialization. New government spending, regulation and policies helped the industry weather the global financial crisis better than many other sectors. Renewable energy is energy that comes from natural resources such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides, waves and geothermal heat, which are renewable because they are naturally replenished at a constant rate. About 16% of global final energy consumption comes from renewables, with 10% coming from traditional biomass, which is mainly used for heating, and 3.4% from hydroelectricity. New renewables (small hydro, modern biomass, wind, solar, geothermal, and biofuels) accounted for another 3% and are growing very rapidly. The share of renewables in electricity generation is around 19%, with 16% of global electricity coming from hydroelectricity and 3% from new renewables. Si nce its emergence; renewable energy has come a long way. In was not until the 1970s that environmentalists promoted the development of alternative energy both as a replacement for the eventual depletion of oil, as well as for an escape from dependence on oil; it was at that stage that the first wind turbines appeared. On the other hand, solar had always been used for heating and cooling, but solar panels were too costly to build solar farms, until 1980. The reason why have chosen the topic of solar heating systems; solar energy for my dissertation is because among the various renewable energy sources, solar energy is one of the crucial energy sources, if not the most crucial. According to a 2011 projection by the International Energy Agency, solar power generators may produce most of the worlds electricity within 50 years, dramatically reducing the emissions of greenhouse gases that harm the environment. Before doing this report, I have to admit that the knowledge that I had regarding solar energy or solar energy systems was minimal. But since starting working on this report, I think, I have come a long way; yet, I have to admit, there has been done so much research in this field, in the past couple of decade that I would still have to go a long way before I would consider myself a specialist. This report should cater towards any individual who had heard of the solar energy, solar energy systems and how they could benefit from it. T his report also gives a brief insight into, where solar energy system (solar energy) is headed in the future. A far as the structure of my report is concerned, I will be looking into the history of solar energy, the solar energy itself, solar energy collectors solar panels; Furthermore, I would also be looking at the benefits of solar energy systems for us and the consequences, if any. On the other hand, I would also be analysing economic issues related to solar energy systems such as: the cost of heating a house or a building by the means of solar energy contra to contemporary means. Last but not the least I would be summarizing the advantages that I have discussed as well as look at some disadvantages, if there are any. I will sum up the whole report with a conclusion, thanks beforehand. History of solar energy Before we delve into the discussion of why solar energy is so needed in the world today, well first look into what solar energy really is. By definition, solar energy is that beaming light and heat that is generated from the sun. Solar energy has been used by human beings since time immemorial. The radiation that comes from solar energy along with the resultant solar energized resources such as wave power, wind, biomass and hydroelectricity all give an explanation for most of the accessible renewable energy that is present on earth. However, only an infinitesimal portion of the existing solar energy is used. Solar energy has been used by humans for thousands of years. For example, ancient cultures used energy from the sun to keep warm by starting fires with it. Ancient Egyptians built places to live that allowed stored energy from the sun during the day, and a heat release during the night. This kind of architecture: heated homes at night while keeping the temperature low during the day; buildings were designed so that, walls and floors collected solar heat during the day, that was released at night to keep them warm. If you have ever stood in the sun to get warm then you too have utilized solar thermal energy. Egyptians also used the sun as part of their mummification process, using the sun to dry dead bodies. The Egyptians used a form of passive solar power. 3rd Century B.C., Greek soldiers with the help of Archimedes, focused light on a Roman fleet by using mirrors. The Romans were invading a port city that did not have defenses ready for the attack. The mirrors were used to concentrate the energy of the sun, and cause the fleets sails to burn. The Romans retreated and the Greeks were able to prevent the invasion. The Greeks used passive solar power. 100 A.D. a historical writer by the name of Pliny the Younger, built a house in the northern part of Italy that had mica windows in one room. This one particular room demonstrated solar heating in that its mica windows stored heat, and later gave it off. This room was useful because the added heat it generated lessened the amount of wood that had to be burnt, to maintain heat. Roman bath houses had famous south facing windows that heated the rooms. Native Americans also built houses that used passive solar power. Houses were built into the side of cliffs or hills to allow storage of heat during the day, and a release of heat at night. In 1767, the worlds first solar collector was built by Swiss scientist Horace de Saussare. They also kept their homes warm through passive solar energy designs The discovery of photovoltaic happened in 1839 when the French physicist Edmond Becquerel first showed photovoltaic activity. Edmond had found that electrical current in certain materials could be increased when exposed to light. 66 years later, in 1905, we gained an understanding of Edmonds work, when the famous physicist Albert Einstein clearly described the photoelectric effect, the principle on which photovoltaic are based. In 1921 Einstein received the Nobel Prize for his theories on the photoelectric effect. Solar cells of practical use have been available since the mid 1950s when ATT Labs first developed 6% efficient silicon solar cells. By 1960 Hoffman Electronics increased commercial solar cell efficiencies to as much as 14% and today, researchers have developed cells with more than 20% efficiencies. 20% efficient means that out of the total energy that hits the surface of a solar cell; about 20% is converted into usable electricity. The first long-term practical application of PV cells was in satellite systems. In 1958 the Vanguard I, was launched into space. It was the first orbiting vehicle to be powered by solar energy. Photovoltaic silicon solar cells provided the electrical power to the satellite until 1964 when the system was shut down. The solar power system was so successful that PVs have been a part of world-wide satellite space programs ever since. The sun provides endless nonpolluting energy to the satellite power systems and demand for solar cells has risen as a result of the telecommunications revolution and need for satellites. The energy crisis and oil embargos of the 1970s made many nations aware of their dependency on controlled non-renewable energy sources and this fueled exploration of alternative energy sources. This included further research into renewable sources such as solar power, wind power and geothermal power. An economic breakthrough occurred in the 1970s when Dr. Elliot Berman was able to design a less expensive solar cell bringing the price down from $100 per watt to $20 per watt. This huge cost savings opened up a large number of applications that were not considered before because of high costs. These applications included railroads, lighthouses, off-shore oil rigs, buoys, and remote homes. For some countries and many applications, solar energy is now considered a primary energy source, not an alternative. Solar energy Solar energy is the energy derived from the sun through the form of solar radiation. Solar powered electrical generation relies on photovoltaic and heat engines. A partial list of other solar applications includes space heating and cooling through solar architecture, day lighting, solar hot water, solar cooking, and high temperature process heat for industrial purposes. In my report, I would only be looking into a few of the above mentioned solar power harnessing techniques, due to the fact that there is a limitation towards, how much material I can present in my dissertation. Solar cell A solar cell (also called a photovoltaic cell) is an electrical device that converts the energy of light directly into electricity by the photovoltaic effect. It is a form of photoelectric cell (in that its electrical characteristics e.g. current, voltage, or resistance vary when light is incident upon it) which, when exposed to light, can generate and support an electric current without being attached to any external voltage source. Passive solar or active solar Solar technologies are broadly characterized as either passive solar or active solar depending on the way they capture, convert and distribute solar energy. Active solar techniques include the use of photovoltaic panels and solar thermal collectors to harness the energy. Passive solar techniques include orienting a building to the Sun, selecting materials with favorable thermal mass or light dispersing properties, and designing spaces that naturally circulate. The Earth receives 174 petawatts (PW) of incoming solar radiation (insolation) at the upper atmosphere .Approximately 30% is reflected back to space while the rest is absorbed by clouds, oceans and land masses. The spectrum of solar light at the Earths surface is mostly spread across the visible and near-infrared ranges with a small part in the near-ultraviolet. Earths land surface, oceans and atmosphere absorb solar radiation, and this raises their temperature. Warm air containing evaporated water from the oceans rises, causing atmospheric circulation or convection. When the air reaches a high altitude, where the temperature is low, water vapor condenses into clouds, which rain onto the Earths surface, completing the water cycle. The latent heat of water condensation amplifies convection, producing atmospheric phenomena such as wind, cyclones and anti-cyclones. Sunlight absorbed by the oceans and land masses keeps the surface at an average temperature of 14  °C. By photosynthesis green plants convert solar energy into chemical energy, which produces food, wood and the biomass from which fossil fuels are derived. Yearly Solar fluxes Human Energy Consumption Solar 3,850,000 Wind 2,250 EJ Biomass 3,000 EJ Primary energy use (2005) 487 EJ Electricity (2005) 56.7 EJ The total solar energy absorbed by Earths atmosphere, oceans and land masses is approximately 3,850,000 exajoules (EJ) per year. In 2002, this was more energy in one hour than the world used in one year. Photosynthesis captures approximately 3,000 EJ per year in biomass. The amount of solar energy reaching the surface of the planet is so vast that in one year it is about twice as much as will ever be obtained from all of the Earths non-renewable resources of coal, oil, natural gas, and mined uranium combined Solar energy can be harnessed at different levels around the world, mostly depending on distance from the equator. How solar power works Light (photons) striking certain compounds, in particular metals, causes the surface of the material to emit electrons. Light striking other compounds causes the material to accept electrons. It is the combination of these two compounds that can be made use of to cause electrons to flow through a conductor, and thereby create electricity. This phenomenon is called the photo-electric effect. Photovoltaic means sunlight converted into a flow of electrons (electricity). . Passive solar heating In passive solar building design, windows, walls, and floors are made to collect, store, and distribute solar energy in the form of heat in the winter and reject solar heat in the summer. This is called passive solar design or climatic design because, unlike active solar heating systems, it doesnt involve the use of mechanical and electrical devices. The key to designing a passive solar building is to best take advantage of the local climate. Elements to be considered include window placement and glazing type, thermal insulation, thermal mass, and shading. Passive solar design techniques can be applied most easily to new buildings, but existing buildings can be adapted or retrofitted. Passive energy gain Passive solar technologies use sunlight without active mechanical systems (as contrasted to active solar). Such technologies convert sunlight into usable heat (water, air, and thermal mass), cause air-movement for ventilating, or future use, with little use of other energy sources. A common example is a solarium on the equator-side of a building. Passive cooling is the use of the same design principles to reduce summer cooling requirements. Some passive systems use a small amount of conventional energy to control dampers, shutters, night insulation, and other devices that enhance solar energy collection, storage, and use, and reduce undesirable heat transfer. Passive solar technologies include direct and indirect solar gain for space heating, solar water heating systems based on the thermo siphon or geyser pump, use of thermal mass and phase-change materials for slowing indoor air temperature swings, solar cookers, the solar chimney for enhancing natural ventilation, and earth sheltering. More widely, passive solar technologies include the solar furnace and solar forge, but these typically require some external energy for aligning their concentrating mirrors or receivers, and historically have not proven to be practical or cost effective for widespread use. Low-grade energy needs, such as space and water heating, have proven, over time, to be better applications for passive use of solar energy. Pragmatic approach to a productive passive solar energy Many detached suburban houses can achieve reductions in heating expense without obvious changes to their appearance, comfort or usability. This is done using good siting and window positioning, small amounts of thermal mass, with good-but-conventional insulation, weatherization, and an occasional supplementary heat source, such as a central radiator connected to a (solar) water heater. Sunrays may fall on a wall during the daytime and raise the temperature of its thermal mass. This will then radiate heat into the building in the evening. This can be a problem in the summer, especially on western walls in areas with high degree day cooling requirements. External shading, or a radiant barrier plus air gap, may be used to reduce undesirable summer solar gain. Active solar heating systems Active solar technologies are employed to convert solar energy into another more useful form of energy. This would normally be a conversion to heat or electrical energy. Inside a building this energy would be used for heating, cooling, or off-setting other energy use or costs. Active solar uses electrical or mechanical equipment for this conversion. Solar energy collection and utilization systems that do not use external energy, such as a solar chimney, are classified as passive solar technologies. Passive solar relies on the inherent thermo-dynamic properties of the system or materials to operate. They do not need external energy sources. Solar hot water systems, except those based on the thermo siphon, use pumps or fans to circulate fluid (often a mixture of water and glycol to prevent freezing during winter periods) or air, through solar collectors, and are therefore classified under active solar technology. The basic benefit of active systems is that controls (usually electrical) can be used to maximize their effectiveness. For example a passive solar thermal array which does not rely on pumps and sensors will only start circulating when a certain amount of internal energy has built up in the system. Using sensors and pumps, a relatively small amount of energy (i.e. that used to power a pump and controller) can harvest a far larger amount of available thermal energy by switching on as soon as a useful temperature differential becomes present. Controls also allow a greater variety of choices for utilizing the energy that becomes available. For example a solar thermal array could heat a swimming pool on a relatively cool morning where heating a domestic hot water cylinder was impractical due to the different stored water temperatures. Later in the day as the temperature rises the controls could be used to switch the solar heated water over to the cylinder instead. The downside to Active Solar systems is that the external power sources can fail (probably rendering them useless), and the controls need maintenance. How to buy solar panels solar water heating Shower Solar water heating can meet about a third of your hot water needs, research conducted by a UK research magazine. A solar water heating system (also known as solar thermal system) uses panels fitted to your roof to heat water for use around the home. A typical solar hot water system is able to meet around a third of a households hot water needs a saving of  £55 to  £80 on your annual water-heating bills, based on a three-bedroom semi-detached house. Householders installing solar water heating systems can get  £300 through the governments Renewable Heat Incentive Premium Payment scheme. Choosing a solar water heating system When choosing a solar water heating system, youll need to consider four major factors: your average hot water use the area of south-facing roof available your existing water heating system your budget. Youll need roughly one square meter of collector area per person in the household. Each metre of panel area will need between 30 and 60 litres of water tank volume. If you use a less efficient collector (such as flat-plate solar water heating panels), youll need to cover a larger area than if you use a more efficient collector (such as evacuated tubes). Youll also need to select system components (such as a hot water cylinder, controls and pipe work) and choose the location for your solar panels, considering shade, pipe runs, roof pitch and future access. Solar water heating installation There are plenty of solar panel installers out there, so I recommend that you always collect a range of quotes to compare. Cost effectiveness of solar water heating systems In my opinion developing common industry standards and offering public incentives is important. He emphasizes that creating public awareness programs is the key to having success in this industry, including a cleaner environment and more jobs as a consequence. It is clear that installing the application is easy for households since the technology is less complicated and cheaper than PV. According to The Solar Guide, the payback period for an investment in a solar water heating system is 3 to 5 years, although it may vary a lot in different countries due to national standards and differences in manufacturing quality. The return of investment depends on the system and the current fuel source that is being used to heat the water. It makes more sense to install a combi-system (hot water+space heating) whereby a 12-20 sq-m would completely cover a households water heating demand and a substantial part of its space heating demand in spring and in autumn. Solar trackers may be driven by active or passive solar technology Most solar collectors are fixed in their array position mounting, but can have a higher performance if they track the path of the sun through the sky (however it is unusual for thermal collectors to be mounted in this way). Solar trackers, used to orient solar arrays may be driven by either passive or active technology, and can have a significant gain in energy yield over the course of a year when compared to a fixed array. Again passive solar tracking would rely on the inherent thermo-dynamic properties of the materials used in the system rather than an external power source to generate its tracking movement. Active Solar Tracking would utilize sensors and motors track the path of the sun across the sky. This action can be caused by geographical and time data being programmed into the controls. However, some systems actually track the brightest point in the sky using light sensors, and manufacturers claim this can add a significant extra yield over and above geographical tracking. How does Solar Thermal work? The basic mechanism of solar thermal energy is to collect the solar radiation and transfer the heat directly or indirectly to its final destination via a heat transfer medium usually a fluid. The most commonly used applications are Domestic Hot water (DHW), Combined DHW and Space Heating, District Heating, Solar Cooling and Air-Conditioning. High Temperature Solar Thermal Electricity Generation is also among solar thermal applications. (e.g. solar tower and parabolic through applications). The key component of the solar thermal systems is the collectors which can be divided into two groups: Unglazed collectors have been used in the industry for a long time, mainly for heating open-air swimming pools. There is no heat exchanger in the system, and the water is flowing directly through long thin tubes. It is cheap and easy to install. Due to the simplicity of unglazed collectors, they cannot fulfill the needs for delivering full-time energy. Unglazed collectors are mainly used in the USA and in Australia. Glazed collectors are much more efficient in supplying continuous heating and achieving higher temperatures than unglazed ones. Glazed collectors are usually rectangular boxes covered by glass, containing little pipes and tubes and a heat absorbing material inside. There are different types of collectors for different means of use. Glazed collectors are commonly used in China, Europe and the Middle East. Solar thermal collector A solar thermal collector is a solar collector designed to collect heat by absorbing sunlight. The term is applied to solar hot water panels, but may also be used to denote more complex installations such as solar parabolic, solar trough and solar towers or simpler installations such as solar air heat. The more complex collectors are generally used in solar power plants where solar heat is used to generate electricity by heating water to produce steam which drives a turbine connected to an electrical generator. The simpler collectors are typically used for supplemental space heating in residential and commercial buildings. A collector is a device for converting the energy in solar radiation into a more usable or storable form. The energy in sunlight is in the form of electromagnetic radiation from the infrared (long) to the ultraviolet (short) wavelengths. The solar energy striking the Earths surface depends on weather conditions, as well as location and orientation of the surface, b ut overall, it averages about 1,000 watts per square meter under clear skies with the surface directly perpendicular to the suns rays. A solar collector works to convert and concentrate solar energy into a more usable form. For example, a thermal collector may use a parabolic array of mirrors to focus, direct, and reflect the light of the sun to a smaller point where the heat can be used to drive some sort of turbine engine by heating the driving fluid. Another type of collector may use a flat panel array of solar photovoltaic cells to convert solar energy directly into electricity. Some metals exhibit a photoelectric property whereby when the metal is exposed to light, it causes electrons to be emitted. These metals may be arranged in a valence-covalence band configuration which generates the actual voltage within the array. Types of solar collectors for heat Solar collectors fall into two general categories: non-concentrating and concentrating. In the non-concentrating type, the collector area (i.e., the area that intercepts the solar radiation) is the same as the absorber area (i.e., the area absorbing the radiation). In these types the whole solar panel absorbs the light. Flat-plate and evacuated-tube solar collectors are used to collect heat for space heating, domestic hot water or cooling with an absorption chiller. Types of solar collectors for electricity generation Parabolic troughs, dishes and towers described in this section are used almost exclusively in solar power generating stations or for research purposes. Although simple, these solar concentrators are quite far from the theoretical maximum concentration. For example, the parabolic trough concentration is about 1/3 of the theoretical maximum for the same acceptance angle, that is, for the same overall tolerances for the system. Approaching the theoretical maximum may be achieved by using more elaborate concentrators based on non-imaging optics. Parabolic trough Parabolic torough This type of collector is generally used in solar power plants. A trough-shaped parabolic reflector is used to concentrate sunlight on an insulated tube (Dewar tube) or heat pipe, placed at the focal point, containing coolant which transfers heat from the collectors to the boilers in the power station. Parabolic dish Solar Parabolic dish It is the most powerful type of collector. One or more parabolic dishes concentrate solar energy at a single focal point, -similar to a reflecting telescope which focuses starlight, or to a dish antenna used to focus radio waves. This geometry may be used in solar furnaces and solar power plants. There are two key phenomena to understand in order to comprehend the design of a parabolic dish. One is that the shape of a parabola is defined such that incoming rays which are parallel to the dishs axis will be reflected toward the focus, no matter where on the dish they arrive. The second key is that the light rays from the sun arriving at the Earths surface are almost completely parallel. So if the dish can be aligned with its axis pointing at the sun, almost all of the incoming radiation will be reflected towards the focal point of the dish-most losses are due to imperfections in the parabolic shape and imperfect reflection. Losses due to atmosphere between the dish and its focal point are minimal, as the dish is generally designed specifically to be small enough that this factor is insignificant on a clear, sunny day. Compare this though with some other designs, and you will see that this could be an important factor, and if the local weather is hazy, or foggy, it may reduce the efficiency of a parabolic dish significantly. In dish-stirling power plant designs, a Stirling engine coupled to a dynamo is placed at the focus of the dish, which absorbs the heat of the incident solar radiation, and converts it into electricity. (Solar) Power tower A power tower is a large tower surrounded by tracking mirrors called heliostats. These mirrors align themselves and focus sunlight on the receiver at the top of tower, collected heat is transferred to a power station below. Advantages Very high temperatures reached. High temperatures are suitable for electricity generation using conventional methods like steam turbine or some direct high temperature chemical reaction. Good efficiency. By concentrating sunlight current systems can get better efficiency than simple solar cells. A larger area can be covered by using relatively inexpensive mirrors rather than using expensive. Concentrated light can be redirected to a suitable location via. For example illuminating buildings. Heat storage for power production during cloudy and overnight conditions can be accomplished, often by underground tank storage of heated fluids. Molten salts have been used to good effect. Disadvantages Concentrating systems require sun tracking to maintain Sunlight focus at the collector. Inability to provide power in diffused light conditions. Solar Cells are able to provide some output even if the sky becomes a little bit cloudy, but power output from concentrating systems drop drastically in cloudy conditions as diffused light cannot be concentrated passively. Solar panel A solar panel (also solar module, photovoltaic module or photovoltaic panel) is a packaged, connected assembly of photovoltaic cells. The solar panel can be used as a component of a larger photovoltaic system to generate and supply electricity in commercial and residential applications. Each panel is rated by its DC output power under standard test conditions, and typically ranges from 100 to 320 watts. The efficiency of a panel determines the area of a panel given the same rated output an 8% efficient 230 watt panel will have twice the area of a 16% efficient 230 watt panel. Because a single solar panel can produce only a limited amount of power, most installations contain multiple panels. A photovoltaic system typically includes an array of solar panels, an inverter, and sometimes a battery and or solar tracker and interconnection wiring. Theory and construction Solar panels use light energy (photons) from the sun to generate electricity through the photovoltaic effect. The majority of modules use wafer-based crystalline silicon cells or thin-film cells based on cadmium telluride or silicon. The structural (load carrying) member of a module can either be the top layer or the back layer. Cells must also be protected from mechanical damage and moisture. Most solar panels are rigid, but semi-flexible ones are available, based on thin-film cells. Electrical connections are made in series to achieve a desired output voltage and/or in parallel to provide a desired current capability. The conducting wires that take the current off the panels may contain silver, copper or other non-magnetic conductive transition metals. The cells must be connected electrically to one another and to the rest of the system. Externally, popular terrestrial usage photovoltaic panels use MC3 (older) or MC4 connectors to facilitate easy weatherproof connections to the rest of the system. Bypass diodes may be incorporated or used externally, in case of partial panel shading, to